Wednesday, December 26, 2007

JPG Magazine

I've been posting some of my photos up on the web spot in an effort to get more of my work seen. I've added a link to the right to go and vote, if you'd like, and then get my work in print from enough votes. I'd really be happy if you did vote.

Here's another link to what I've posted,


Saturday, December 15, 2007

Los Angeles at Night

I took this looking into LA from Culver City.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Las Vegas

Well, we have been checking out Las Vegas. It's not quite the town I remember from a trip 20 something years ago. We spent the evening walking the strip from Circus Circus to the Bellagio. It's a good thing I'm so used to walking in Chicago to get around. We found Trader Vic's and had ourselves a Mai Tai, it warmed us up from the chilly walk. After that, we strolled around the miracle mile shops at Planet Hollywood. That was an experience, we each found shops for both of our unique tastes. I had fun taking pictures, of course right!

There will be more to follow, as we are here another day. And then it's off to Los Angeles. Check back tomorrow for more.

Friday, December 7, 2007


I had an interesting sight on my way home after work today. I've seen one coyote in this area before, and another up by Fermi Lab, but it had been more than two years. I guess food must be scarce. I do imagine that the coyotes to frequent the EJ&E corridor to get through the county fairly un-noticed, I know I would if I needed to.

On another note, April & I are headed west for a few days. A scouting mission so-to-speak...
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Monday, December 3, 2007

December has arrived!

Greetings again, much has happened...

I have a new nephew, Conrad Edward was welcomed into the world November 13th [I like that date!].

I have finished and delivered the wedding photos to my friend of many years, Andy, she was very excited to see them [As any Bride usually is...].
Dan & Tegan

I look forward to seeing how she assembles them for an album....

I am also still spending as much time as I can in front of my computer, learning to use my new tablet. I have been picking up the magazine ImagineFX as a learning tool for a while, and the stylus of the tablet has helped out immeasurably in implementing the many things I have learned thus far...

I have started working this sketch into a colored image.

The hair thus far...

Monday, November 12, 2007

Wacom Tablet- Whoo Hooo!

Okay, I finally broke down and got a tablet, the Intuos3. wow. I have hardly left the computer today. I am very excited about my future use of this graphics tool. It doesn't replace a pad & pencil, but in the absence of my drawing table, this is cool. I've been playing with drawings so far, photos will be another day. So here's a sample of what I did today.

On a side note, I'm looking forward to a new niece or nephew in the next few hours. During the arrival of his new sibling, my nephew Henry, who is almost two, is sitting at home with his grandma. Most likely completely oblivious.

Friday, November 9, 2007

Eye Problems

Let's just say that if you are a very visual person, having a scratched eye can be very frustrating. My productivity was down for about 4 days, ugh.

I'm a bit behind in my photo processing, but I am catching up fast. My wife and I did enjoy a wonderful dinner at the hotel where we got married, on our six month anniversary. It was a wonderful night out along the Fox River. I'm busy coming up with projects to work on, I do like to manipulate images, as well as take lots of pictures. Now all I need to do is figure out how to market them to those who would enjoy them. I am taking suggestions....

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Busy With Photos & Weddings

I have been busy the past few weekends. My cousin got married[She's so young!], and I took a lot of photos. I also got to be the 'official' wedding photographer for a long & dear friend of mine [I hope to live up to her expectations]. Both were fun for me, and being a guest/photographer was interesting. I love to take pictures, but now have a bit more pressure to be exceptional instead of ordinary[Not that I have ever been anywhere near 'ordinary']. I am currently processing 700+ pictures, some of which will most likely not make the final cut, which may be more like 450-500. I'm picking up speed in tweaking the color/brightness on each photo, and learning even more as I go. Forcing myself to learn a familiar program which has many tools.

With any luck this may lead to a more steady side income. Any takers?

I've even had an inquiry for a Senior photo, which I am a bit excited about.

More soon...

Monday, October 1, 2007

Signage confusion

I saw this while I was out taking pictures over the weekend[a personal goal], and this just caught my eye[Click on it to view the signs in the windows].

I am intending to update this blog, the same old story, lots going on, and then you just get so far behind, it's hard to figure out where to start.

I'm living back out in the burbs, and working at yet another store, I'm at 3 now. The last time I had 3 stores under my belt for the same company, my life had a major upheaval. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that doesn't happen again, it took 18 months in probate to rectify it.

So, with any luck, I'll have a few new posts up over the next few days...
Feel free to encourage me...

Thursday, August 9, 2007

Shane for Mayor!

Now all we have to do is convince him to change his last name to "Daley", and he's all set to win! Right Shane?

Friday, August 3, 2007

Bean Pop Art

well, there is a lot going on with us, we WILL be moving at the end of the month. The options are interesting. so I sit here at night and make some Pop Art, enjoy.
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Saturday, July 21, 2007

Troop Carrier

I would like to thank Uncle Gavin for the opportunity to drive his vintage troop carrier. It was an exciting experience for me, maybe I'll want one of my own...
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Getting out and having fun with friends

My friend Jamie and wis wife were in town this past week. I took them on a walking tour of the Lakefront, which does seem to involve a lot of walking. There was much picture taking as well, these are some of the highlights.
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Sunday, June 24, 2007

DvA Gala Tiki!

Fun at the Tiki exhibition! We went and got our Tiki fill for Saturday at the DvA Gallery here in Chicago. A fun time was had by all. We met the Tiki Magazine publisher, and even a few authors, who did some signings for us, many thanks James!

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Wedding Photos Are Up

This is an early post of the web gallery, and there will be a mass e-mail shortly to everyone with this link to come and view the photos. They were pulled from many sources, and separated into the various parts of the weekend, which should make it easier to locate an image, or to just peruse at your leisure. The galleries are not in the order in which they happened, but you can figure it out if you read the titles. All of the prints are downloadable, and should you wish, may even order prints.

Rory's First Kiss a.k.a. Batman in Chicago

Well, the film crews seem to be all over the downtown area filming bits of the new movie. A few snapshots have been compiled here, from all the walking I do, to and from work. The film shoot is supposed to last 16 weeks, I think they are already 4-6 into it, it will be quite a summer...
Well, I was able to meet with an old friend this week. It was a great Italian diner in Batavia, and we had a lot of catching up to do. One of us has had a rather rough year. Good to see you again Tony! Looking forward to our next meeting...
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Sunday, June 17, 2007

Wedding photos are in!

Our photographer's photos are in, keep an eye to this site for a link to ALL the compiled photos. Once shared, there will be a most enjoyably large number of pictures. And you thought there were a lot of Honeymoon photos!

So keep a sharp lookout for upcoming posts!


Monday, June 11, 2007

More Pop Art! Vote Please!

Well, I've been plugging away at some more pop art. I would love to have some feedback in the comment section on what's best/more appealing to the you.

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

More "Pop Art" tonight!

Well I fired up the graphics software and played with some recent photos. The following are what I came up with...

Film support vehicles on Stetson in the Loop!

There seems to be some filming going on in the vacinity of my wife's building tonight... Batman?

Monday, May 21, 2007

Back To It!

Well, the wedding is over, the honeymoon already fading [Oh how we miss the Hawaiian Isle]. More to follow on that, pictures that is...

I actually picked up a pencil & paper today, the first time in months, the following is one of the images created. I'm focusing on a Pin-up in the current flash/retro style with sprinkling of comic book. I think I succeded, comments?

When one goes to see Spiderman in IMAX, one doesn't expext the lifelike appearance of the character, unless of course the Spidey is actually standing before you. He was just a fan to see the film, wearing a custom fit costume. It was very cool to see.

Monday, May 14, 2007

Tech Support

Many thanks to Garrett for helping make this cellular post possible.

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Driving the Big Island!


Well, we had a Jeep the first raod trip on Maui, but on the Big Island, we went for a convertable. I thought it was a lot of fun. How does one get lost on an island while one has GPS? It's REALLY hard.

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

1st Cellular Blob

Well, i'm now posting by cell phone, thanks Garrett, I may actually get some more posts up this way. So yes, I have a new "toy" called a Blackjack. and posting out and about is now possible...

Friday, April 13, 2007

Time is running out

The wedding is almost here. Details are falling into place, and people are getting excited [Besides the two of us]. Time off has been taken, and a ship prepared for our arrival. Friends are joining us, and families welcoming one another. The occasion of a lifetime is about to happen, and we are both ready to embrace it.

Here's to everything going right, and stress to be at an all time low.

But just in case, let's keep our fingers crossed, for luck[I am].


Thursday, April 5, 2007

Out and About

Well, let's see. It's been over a month since the last post. I'm slacking. The wedding is only a short time away, and there are still a few things to wrap up.

I've got a link or two with pictures from some recent outtings, enjoy.

Chicago In A Fog

Museum of Science & Industry, March 30th

Friday, March 2, 2007

It's Here!!!

I finally did it, I have my own domain name. It is listed right up at the top of this page, please check it out. One thing that I know for certain, web design has changed a lot since I went to school the last time, and WOW, I have a bit of catching up to do. At least it was fun!

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Cult Of Joe

For some insight into what I hear many a day at work, please check this out,
It encapsulates a lot of what I hear everyday.

Monday, January 29, 2007

Save the Date - A Wedding Is Approching!

Well, let's see... Weeks since my last post, a "save the date' mass e-mail, there must be a lot of planning going on. And, Oh Boy, there is!

Wedding planning is in full swing, with all the details to be wrapped up in the next 3-4 weeks. With our "Save the Date" e-mail, we are letting everybody know, as a reminder, the date of the wedding. With every one's lives ever busier, the sooner one can plan the better. Yes, formal invites will follow. I know I have had a few inquiries from friends planning out their years vacation time, and this should help with that.

So head on over to the site for a peek,