Sunday, June 24, 2007

DvA Gala Tiki!

Fun at the Tiki exhibition! We went and got our Tiki fill for Saturday at the DvA Gallery here in Chicago. A fun time was had by all. We met the Tiki Magazine publisher, and even a few authors, who did some signings for us, many thanks James!

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Wedding Photos Are Up

This is an early post of the web gallery, and there will be a mass e-mail shortly to everyone with this link to come and view the photos. They were pulled from many sources, and separated into the various parts of the weekend, which should make it easier to locate an image, or to just peruse at your leisure. The galleries are not in the order in which they happened, but you can figure it out if you read the titles. All of the prints are downloadable, and should you wish, may even order prints.

Rory's First Kiss a.k.a. Batman in Chicago

Well, the film crews seem to be all over the downtown area filming bits of the new movie. A few snapshots have been compiled here, from all the walking I do, to and from work. The film shoot is supposed to last 16 weeks, I think they are already 4-6 into it, it will be quite a summer...
Well, I was able to meet with an old friend this week. It was a great Italian diner in Batavia, and we had a lot of catching up to do. One of us has had a rather rough year. Good to see you again Tony! Looking forward to our next meeting...
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Sunday, June 17, 2007

Wedding photos are in!

Our photographer's photos are in, keep an eye to this site for a link to ALL the compiled photos. Once shared, there will be a most enjoyably large number of pictures. And you thought there were a lot of Honeymoon photos!

So keep a sharp lookout for upcoming posts!


Monday, June 11, 2007

More Pop Art! Vote Please!

Well, I've been plugging away at some more pop art. I would love to have some feedback in the comment section on what's best/more appealing to the you.

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

More "Pop Art" tonight!

Well I fired up the graphics software and played with some recent photos. The following are what I came up with...

Film support vehicles on Stetson in the Loop!

There seems to be some filming going on in the vacinity of my wife's building tonight... Batman?