Monday, March 31, 2008

Waiting in the rain

I sit, waiting in the rain. I contemplate what is to come. A visit to a musuem. A future that I look forward to. My wife and I getting a bit of visual stimulation. Motivation would be a welcome side note. An understanding of how I might encounter others who delight in what I call art. Who would even make my images of pop styles and fractilian math a profitable endeavour. Spring is here, I look to it as a way to emerge from behind my stubborn ways, and share what I hold close.

Okay, my deep thoughts aside, it's almost time to pick up April, and head to the Art Institute.


Sunday, March 30, 2008

Pictures are making their way in...

Well, My sister has posted her pictures from my party, and there is a surprised look on my face.

Also, rather last minute, April and I will be seeing the Edward Hopper exhibit at the Art Institute Monday. Not that anyone will be able to join us, I will share my impressions later...

Thanks to my sister for the pictures... Anyone else care to share?

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Traveling by METRA

After many weeks of not going to the city, here I go. April is already downtown and I get to meet her. We've got an appointment about some legal matters.

I do get to have some fun taking pictures though. I do like to take pictures...

Monday, March 24, 2008

Sunset on my break

I got to watch a great sunset on my break today. It's nice to have the sun out during my break too.

On another note, I'm planning a visit to the Art Institute soon to catch the Ed Hopper exhibit, if you'd like to be in on it, let me know soon.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Wiener Mobile

I had to share with everyone that I saw this. A fine piece of Americana.

Monday, March 17, 2008

More Fractals

I've managed to render a few more images, the top taking almost 45 hours. These have both been resized for sharing, and the originals are in uncompressed .bmp files. Comments are welcome....

Sunday, March 16, 2008


I can now say that April is quite adept at coordinating a surprise for me. With an almost flawless execution. To see what happened please follow this link to the web gallery.

As I get more pictures from people, or websites where they are posted, I will post/link them here.

Many thanks to those of you who made it, and the ones who also put effort to remind me how old I am.

Again, Thank You.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Volo Auto Museum

Today was a day spent with automobiles that were, for the most-part, older than me. It was spent with April, with our nephews joining us for lunch, chauffeured by their mom of course. We spent the whole day wandering through the displays, seeing a wide variety of cars you don't generally see all together like that. If by chance I had a little more $$$$$ with me, I might have purchased one or two [Yes, many on display are for sale!].

To check out the highlights, follow this link.

To check out the Museum's site, follow the link in the title of this post.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Monster Update! Ages Overdue!

I'm back!

News flash #1

We've Moved! April & I are now in Woodridge, IL.

It's been a few weeks of fun and moving. We hired movers to get the bulk of our items moved[Loved that!]. We spent the first 3 1/2 weeks without the internet. AT&T isn't the company they pitch in the ads. We spent 2 weeks just waiting to hear from them about why they couldn't hook-up/turn on our access. Comcast[though vastly more expensive], came through in 3 days, no problems, and we were zipping on the net in all of 20 minutes. The following day, we heard from AT&T, They can have a tech out here to actually look at the problem in 4 days [3 1/2 weeks from the original hook-up date]. Um, sorry, we went elsewhere.

For those of you keeping track of the addresses I've had, this is #12 since leaving high school. Only a few more, right?

News Flash#2!

Since the middle of January, I've been slowly rebuilding my desktop computer. Having four 500Gb hard drives arrayed to mirror 1Tb wasn't as stable as I'd hoped, and they crashed, one quickly followed by a second in less than a few hours[4 month old drives, which I am still trying to get replaced with Seagate]. This proved to only compund the lack of internet in the new appartment. It's up and running with an older drive, and a different disc setup will be used when the new drives arrive. Of course, when you rebuild a computer, you don't get parts to fix the problem, you get newer, better parts that don't have the old problems, and cost more. Upgrade while you make the changes! Well, I'm running a dual core now, wow. This also means new RAM, DDR3, which hasn't really come down in price yet[And I'd like to get 2Gb more]. I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

News Flash #3!

Recurrent Corneal Erosion. Don't get this! A.K.A. Don't Scratch Your Eye! I've been experiencing this since about the beginning of November, and have had several painful episodes. According to my doctors [I've seen 6, I think, a few to be certain], the healing process can take 6-8 months. The trick is keeping the eye moist enough that it doesn't cause friction when you blink, thus rubbing your cornea against the eylid, which in turn causes cells of the cornea to break loose and roam the eye socket. Besides the blured vision, it's actually quite painful when it happens. Go figure.

News Flash #4!

Between episodes of eye and computer problems, I've had a fractal program passed along to me. I like fractals. "I Drew a fractal on a braken wall, I see you my friend..."-Seal The program of choice is called Apophysis, and is currently freeware. I have achived some remarkable results in only a few weeks. Here are two low res samples