Monday, April 28, 2008

Condorman VS. Hancock

Okay, so I've seen the trailer for "Hancock", starring Will Smith. I am also a fan of "Condorman", the not-so-box-office-worthy comicbook hero movie from the early eighties. And seeing the poster for "Hancock" brought one image from "Condorman" to mind. To which I present those images to you, each is copyright the respective studio, used without permission, as a learning tool. At what point does one image infringe on another in Hollywood?

Because to me, they look a lot alike. Wouldn't you agree?

Monday, April 21, 2008


Well, April's dad was in this weekend. A fun time was had by all. He had intended to be here last weekend, but weather in Colorado, the lots of snow kind, had other plans. Even with a week later arrival that everyone hadn't really planned on, getting to see him and go out and do things still happened.
Sunday was spent out at the Morton Arboretum, many thanks to Dennis for signing April and I up for a year, we will put it to good use! Those that made it to the appartment were cozy and well fed, even if we chose to walk to dinner at the Sandpiper. So thanks to everyone who came, and travel safe Dennis.

On another note, there have now been 23 quakes downstate since Friday morning with a 4.0 in the wee hours of this morning.

Friday, April 18, 2008


Here's something out of the ordinary, there have been 7 earthquakes down in southern Illinois right aling the border with Indiana[Click the title of this post to go to the U.S. Geological Service, directly to the info on today's quakes]. Aparently my wife was awakened by the largest of them, a 5.2, early this morning, and there has been a greater than 4 in the last hour. Fun right?

I'll see how this progresses, and post more later.

*Update* [April 19,2008] There were a total of 9 quakes during Friday, and none since 10:05 pm Friday.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Now departing, the copyright to your own work!

Hi, Congress may be taking away the right you have to any image, photo or any other design you have ever created or may create in the future. Of course you can keep that copyright, but it will cost you to register it, at each of the agencies that you will need to register at.

Sound tedious and expensive, it will be.

I don't create gobs of art anymore, but I do like the right to my work. If you'd like to use it, I can sell it to you, or even license it to you. At least if I create it, it's mine. That will change if pending legislation goes forward.

Please read an excellent article on this by clicking the link in the title of this post, what the copyright office has to say here, and then follow this one to track down your legislator to let them know what you think, after all, you vote!


Thursday, April 10, 2008


For anyone interested, saw this along Cermak yesterday. It's been around for years, and in need of restoration. I'll need to swing by and get some good pictures of it soon.

*Update* [13 April, 2008] It's now for sale on eBay. Check out the Tribune article by clicking 'update'.

Friday, April 4, 2008


Alright, 12 days of render, and this is the result. Keep in mind the resolution is a bit larger, I shrank it for the web. Please feel free to comment...

Another Duckie

Just posting yet another duck image I'll have that Fractal up later today.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008


I am excited that a fractal I started rendering 10 days ago will be finished in the next 48 hours, maybe less. I will put a low res version up once it's done. Fractals are fun!

Duckie in the sun

For anyone who knows, Devil Duckies (made by accoutraments), are a fun thing to have around. I mean, who would suspect a duck of being devilish? On the bright side, it's time for a hot bath...