Saturday, June 28, 2008

Art for sale!

Here's an idea. What if I sold art via the internet...

I am in the process of redesigning my website [] so that I can post my art for sale, as well as being able to add my new designs more easily as I create them. My questions to you are...

1. What size[s] would you like?

2. How quickly would you like it?

3. What would be an acceptable price range?

I think these are the important questions , of course, you can let me know if you have others.

Here's a new image for you to enjoy.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Walt - His was a time too short

Walt was diagnosed with multiple slipped discs Tuesday, and given a low probability of success for surgery, as well as a low comfort of life after. Regretfully he was put down today. He will be missed. He was very devoted to his primary care human, Mom. A grateful companion for her, he barked at strangers, and rolled over at any chance for a good belly rub.

Rest in Peace Walt.

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Monday, June 2, 2008

It Came From The Forest!

Well, a couple of us stopped by the Arboretum last week, inspiration came during one of the encounters with the "Bug Art" now on display [Click the Title of this post]. I took me a few days, but I finally have a working image I'm proud of. Enjoy.