Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Steam Punk Challenge! Concepts #1

I've been researching the Olmec of South America. They left a mark on the landscape with their colossal heads, as well as a possible origin for many of the rest of South America's cultures in the pre-Colombian era.  they have little in the way of recorded mythology, but what little there is still fascinates.  

The feathered serpent, or man of crops, which have been depicted in the stylization of many mezoamerican cultures.  Adornments are of critical importance, detail, which seem to lend themselves to such a challenge. Just to get a rough idea, I've been drawing the art & sculpture, and for kicks drew over a Lintel carving to see the concept emerge.  I will work at this a bit more, but am going to head to bed at the moment. 

Comments are welcome.  

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Steam Punk Mythology

As I search the web, I find many things, some I had know about [The Weta Rayguns], which are very keen in their own right. but also the convention held at the beginning of the month out in California [Which now also has a mention of the Steam Punk Art Challenge].  

I'm starting to lean toward a South American theme, before Europeans arrived.  Olmec would be fun, the mythology there is sparse anyway, leaving room for various interpretations.  The scale of some of their monoliths lends itself quite well to the Steam Punk theme. 

My notebook is starting to have lots of scribbles, doodles, and other scratchings that in a few years even I won't recognise. I think about scenes in my head all day at work, come home, and try to spill them out, without making a mess. Although sometimes the mess is a bit helpful, bringing together ideas in a way I hadn't previously thought. 

Friday, November 14, 2008

Steam Punk Challenge

Here's a chance to see me work a concept through. I haven't done this since going to school in Florida. I've got to post progress milestones to the competition. I do have some ideas to start with, but I would like to ask the friends who view this blog, Steam Punk, what images are conjured in your mind by those words? What image have you been waiting to see, that best describes the term Steam Punk to you?

My progress will be posted at the site holding the competition, follow the link

Thanks to everyone who reads this, and shares their ideas,

Quantum of Solace - A midnight experience!

The theater was packed, loud, anxious. A highly anticipated movie was about to be a light on the solemn screen before us all.

It picked up, moments after where "Casino Royale" left off, from there...

Let me put it this way. "Quantum of Solace" continues "Casino Royale's" white knuckle joyride. I WILL see it again!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Any Day Adobe, I'm Ready!

For those not in the know, there are 32bit and 64bit versions of Windows. 64bit being the 'new' thing, XP was available in 64bit, Vista is[ Not that I want to use Vista, but I'm not using XP either]. The big problem is the lack of support for 64bit Operating Systems, I have been directed to Adobe's web site for weeks, so that I may view embedded content in web pages, using the newest version of Adobe Flash.  Only I keep getting this wonderful page, because it auto detects my OS.

[Sorry, your platform is not supported]

Some day soon, Adobe will make this a thing of the past. After all, it only took them 5 weeks to get the coding done for reading the Nikon D90 .nef files[Raw].

Monday, November 10, 2008

Friday, November 7, 2008


I am posting to say that I will not be attending the Great Midwest Train Show this Sunday. Anyone interested in any art I would have been there to sell, is encouraged to contact me directly, either by e-mail, or leaving a comment on this post.  I would love to meet more people and provide art for their desires, but his weekend is a bit tough for me. 

Val, feel free to leave a comment one of these days, you seem to be checking in a bit more often. You can always be anonymous.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Photo Critique!

Please take a moment and think about why you like photos. 

Other people's perspectives? A grasp into an artist mind? The view less traveled by a casual observer? Something else?

If you click on the title, you'll get a rare chance to see my photography skills. I have not altered any of the photos, I may later on, but not yet.  I would like to have feedback on their quality, as well as how you perceive them.  Partake please, that I may understand you, the viewer, who enjoys wonderful photography.

Many thanks,

This will be a limited time only, two weeks at the most.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Next Day Off is Tuesday

What to do? I can't decide [I don't mean voting either, I already did that]. It looks like it will be above 70, which for November, is something to be taken advantage of. I know a few friends and family do swing in and take a peek at this, feel free to ACTUALLY leave a comment, or of course, you could also e-mail me too.

I've thought about the Arboretum, washing my truck, visiting a zoo, or something else that would keep me outside.

Well, I hope to get a few responses before Monday night.