Wednesday, January 28, 2009

With help from Garrett.

With help from my good pal Garrett, my domains have been rerouted through a new provider. 3 years for the price my old provider was charging for 1. I get a little bit less storage, but gobbs more bandwidth!


Thanks Garrett!

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Tiki Bar Chat

Chatting away at The Tiki Bar!

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Guitar Hero World Tour

April Rocks!

No reason to post

I hadn't posted in a week. I thought it might be time to do so again.  I do have a few regulars who check in. It is nice to know that there are a few people who are interested in seeing what I'm up to.  I do try and post about things that are also interesting. I do realize that not everyone shares my interests about what I post. 

Saturday, January 10, 2009

No Show.

For those of you who have come here looking, I will NOT be at the Train Show Sunday. If you are interested in something, please e-mail me. We can talk about pieces you've seen, or would like customized. 

Thanks for your support!

Thursday, January 8, 2009

A chilly winter day

I sit writing, focused on the page before me. I look up, as if to find a new thought blowing through the snow outside. The view itself a new story all on its own.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Museum of Science and Industry Invitation

For anyone who hadn't heard, the Museum of Science & Industry here in Chicago, which is celebrating 75 years, will be hosting the premier of "Harry Potter: The Exhibition", April 30 - September 7, 2009.

I thought this might be something many of my friends would like to see. If you would like a reason to come to Chicago, I thought this might be it. If you are interested, we can work out the details so that we can all to go together.  

Well, I thought it sounded like fun....

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Caught "The Spirit"

I managed to get out and see "the Spirit".  If you like the kinds of movies that are, "300", "Tank Girl", and "Once Upon A Time In Mexico", you'll like "The Spirit". It's a visual treat for anyone who likes comics and film noir.  It never takes itself too seriously, is campy at moments, but then, so are many comics. I would like to see it again. The combination of cast was interesting and fun.  


I would recommend it to many of the people I know, but they like similar films.