Thursday, February 19, 2009

Catching Up

It's been an interesting week, my computer pulled a hard-drives-don't-want-to-work stunt, which took a bit to remedy. For a little while I thought I'd lost a bunch of data, thankfully, that was not to be. 

I also told a friend that I' post a bit about an upcoming performance, in of all places, and old sanitarium! To quote directly from the e-mail I received...

"Anyway, save the date, Friday March 13th.  The place is The Bowen Building a.k.a. The Peoria State Mental Hospital in lovely Bartonville, Illinois right next to, surprise, Peoria.  Dan's band, Plasmata, has recently shot a music video there and on this coming Friday the thirteenth has agreed to host a launch party for said video along with hosting some of the ghost tours that run through out the night.  Yes folks as was implied this place is old, falling down, a former insane asylum, and indeed, haunted.  It should be an interesting evening out but keep in mind this place is not heated, nor has electricity so tours are conducted in the cold and dark with a few flashlights.  Exact times for tours and general merriment along with prices(they charge to raise money for renovations)are on the Bowen building's website,  General info on Dan's band can be found on their myspace page under plasmataband.  Any questions, let me know and further info will be sent out as it becomes available.   "

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Elgin Joliet & Eastern, the EJ&E, the "J"

The EJ&E is now the Canadian National(CN). A long time railroad of the Chicagoland area has been absorbed by another larger railroad. The potential for growth, a tempting thing, as through ways for rail in Chicagoland are few. Many improvements will need to be made to much of the right-of-way, in doing so, the possibilities for expanded commuter rail also increase. Only 5 months ago, each of the commuter rail branches serving Chicago saw double digit increases in ridership. With renewed interest in a railroad, comes the opportunity to help serve those along its route.

As I sit watching switching operations, I will remember the "J", and look forward to what the CN will do over the coming years.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Not Attending The Train Show

I have been unable to recquisition the time to attend the next Train Show. For thoses who are still interested in prints, please e-mail me, and I can get that out to you asap.  If you are after a custom image, let's talk, I can generate what you are looking for. 

As for when I will be able to attend another show, that remains to be seen. If I have requests, I can do what I can to be there, but the interest had wained in the shows, so I shifted to mainly the internet based sales.

Thanks to everyone who has purchased thus far, spread the word, that I may continue to make the art you want!

Monday, February 2, 2009

Cupid Ken!

The Captain of the store I work at has now been immortalized as Cupid for Valentine's day. When he sees it for the first time Tuesday, it may not stay up. For the record, I think it is an excellent likeness. Great job Jessica!