Saturday, June 27, 2009

A varied weather day

So it was a comfortable night last night, a warm morning, and a great sunny day that let you sweat just enough. The breeze has shifted, and the thunder storm is whisking over the horizon at us. What a night we shall have!!

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Sorting The Jumbled Box Of Cat 5

This is what happens when Buckaroo gets his hands on cables, they must be orginized. 25 bundles of various lenghts, 16 inches to 50 feet. I think $6 was quite worth it.

Cat 5 Cable Find

Okay, I don't usually swing into garage sales, but as I was driving to my mom's townhouse today, I noticed a sign for one in Eola(A very small railroad town). Granted, if I'd had a bit more cash, I would have a generator too, but I got a box of cat 5 for $6, too cool!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Orphan Works is Back - Oh No!


Orphan Works: Back Again


In Orphan Works Land, no news has been good news, but that's about to change:

US Copyright Register Marybeth Peters told Intellectual Property Watch that orphan works legislation is expected to be introduced within the next 10 days. It is her understanding there may still be some issues in the House version to be resolved, and there are some stakeholders - such as illustrators and other artists - "who are probably going to lobby pretty hard against it."

Peters said this issue is important to her, and the fact it came so close to passing last year is almost bittersweet. "What I hope it isn't ... is it's one magic moment you get" to finally get it passed, then it doesn't happen, she said.

We don't mean to disparage the Register's comments. She's had a long and distinguished career at the Copyright Office. But her statement deserves a reality check. Illustrators are not opposed to an orphan works bill. We're opposed to this bill.

We're opposed because its scope far exceeds the needs of responsible orphan works legislation.

Moreover, illustrators and artists are not the only stakeholders who oppose it. At last count, more than 83 creators organizations are on record against it, representing artists, photographers, writers, songwriters, musicians and countless small businesses.

Last year, we proposed amendments to the Orphan Works Act that would have made it a true orphan works bill. The amendments were drafted by the attorney who was chief legal counsel to the House Judiciary Committee in drafting the 1976 Copyright Act. The amendments were co-sponsored by the Artists Rights Society and the Advertising Photographers of America. They can be found here:

On July 11, 2008, we submitted those amendments to both the House and Senate Judiciary Committees. In our preamble we wrote this:

As rights holders, we can summarize our hopes for the Orphan Works Act simply: to see that it becomes a true orphan works bill, with no unnecessary spillover effect to damage the everyday commercial activities of working artists. We'd be happy to work with Congress to accomplish this. No legislation regarding the use of private property should be considered without the active participation of those whose property is at stake.

Last year more than 180,000 letters were sent to lawmakers from our Capwiz site. These letters did not come from obstructionists. They came from citizens whose property is at stake. They may lack the resources of big Internet companies and the access of high powered lobbyists, but last year they spoke. They asked only one thing: that Congress respect their personal property rights and amend this bill to make it nothing more than what its sponsors say they want it to be - a bill that would affect only true orphaned work.

We urge this Congress to listen.

- Brad Holland and Cynthia Turner for the Board of the Illustrators' Partnership


For news and information, and an archive of these messages:
Illustrators' Partnership Orphan Works Blog:

Over 83 organizations opposed the last Orphan Works bills, representing over half a million creators. Illustrators, photographers, fine artists, songwriters, musicians, and countless licensing firms all believe this bill will harm their small businesses.

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Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Hala Kahiki - Zombie Drink

Lorinda poses with a Zombie Drink!

Monday, June 15, 2009

Train Spotting


Bassett Training In Downers Grove

It's time to get the all important training about alcohol sales, as provided by the town I work in, Downers Grove, IL. Why I hadn't actually received a more summary education on this until now, baffles me, as I have been employed by Trader Joe's for more than 6 1/2 years now...

Monday, June 8, 2009

Crystal Head Vodka Expedition Was A Success

The many month quest to find Crysal Head vodka has been fruitful in its yield. Behold...

Saturday, June 6, 2009

New Photo Gallery

I've been tinkering around with Adobe's Lightroom, and put together a web gallery. This is my first attempt, so comments are very welcome!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Serpentine Belt

Changed the Serpentine belt today. Needed an extra set of hands to hold the tensioner while the belt got put on though. At least it's done, another 60,000 miles before the next one, barring some sort of failure of course.

Monday, June 1, 2009

And So It Begins

The engine is cool, it's time to start...