Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Working At The House Has Slowed Down

Well, worked at the house yesterday. Progress is much slower when I am working at my job too. With Garrett's help, we got a lot of the networking done at the patch panel, I've got a bunch of patch cables to make now, they are easy to make, but hard on the hands.

I'm trying to convince April that if I stayed at the house, I'd get more done, as opposed to sleeping at the apartment, and getting up late knowing that I would have to then go to the house, and then to work. Where as if I go straight to the house, I may actually get something done before I go to bed. No tv, no computer, no games, yeah, I might actually be more productive.

Monday, September 7, 2009


Okay, I'm back to work(taking a break right now), and I'm bored. Very bored. I'm back to organizing the rest of the crew's messes. Doing the work others seem unable to do that they may achieve a good day. There really is little left at my job that pulls me in, engages me. The same, over again, a change would be nice, which leaves my choices limited in finding a way to keep my income somewhat the same. So I am bored. I feel I'm missing something...

Friday, September 4, 2009

House Is Keeping Me Busy

Well, I've been busy the past 2 weeks, been working on our new house. My wife and I have also been ti MI to see her grandmother and take care of her house.

I'm finding out a lot about the house we bought. It will keep me from being idle, as there seem to be an indefinite number of things to accomplish. The largest task of replacing the aluminum wiring I will be leaving to a professional electrician, as for the rest of the tasks... Well, I seem up to them, though there may be many, they are a series of little fixes, things I've done before or am able to do.

Come on over, and we'll show you around!