Saturday, October 31, 2009


Getting my notes together for National Novel Writing Month.

I can write a book. I can write a book. I can write a book.

I have a story concept, a few characters, a fun location, and I think a few good twists. I'm shooting for a detective rag, with spins of sci-fi like Douglas Adams's Dirk Gently, I'm not sure if I'll be a whimsical though. I came up with the cover a while back as I was playing with some images and filters in Photoshop. I figured I'd get to the actual story some time later, well, later is now. So, in 12 hours and 31 minutes, it's time to start writing!

Monday, October 26, 2009

Taking Pictures!

Crew taking pictures of Crew.

National Novel Writing Month

I've signed up, let's see what happens...

I've signed up under the user name 'buckar007' if you'd like to be a novel writing buddy!

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Slow To Post Recently

I have to admit, other social sites are getting much more of my attention. They tend to be so much quicker, I post information much more often, several time a day mostly. Where as this blog is lucky lately to get a post one or twice a month.

I do find that while I try to work on the house, my posts drop off for both, which is good. I'm getting needed work done. A house more ready to be lived in, I like that, and so does April. I did spend this week's days tending to her though, which has put me a bit farther behind than I wanted to be. I've only one more three day run next week and back to 5 day weeks again. I had worked out four 10 hour days a week for October, allowing me a bit more time to work on the house. It hasn't been as smooth as I would have hoped. It's interesting when you have time off, you've planned things to do, but so many other things would rather fill your time instead, things you need to attend to.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Flu Season

Well, April is fighting the flu. I guess that means I'm fighting it too. So far, I'm fine. House work is slow at the moment between illness & work. The goals are there, time only in short bursts.

Thursday, October 1, 2009


Yes, it's time for another midnight showing. This week's movie of choice is Zombieland! Though my sister and & were the first to arrive, 6 more people showed up just a bit later. Any moment now, two more folks I know should be here, bringing the grand total in the theater thus far to 10! I expect the final count at show time to be closer to 25.

I think this may well be one of those movies that finds itself in the right place at the right time. With the current rash of zombie games being played, and the amount of zombie merchandise available, Zombieland is poised to hit the market at exactly the right time. Should be interesting to see how it fairs in the demographic it's aimed at.

More to follow...