Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Chasing a Mcguffin

The title of this pst may seem odd, but I encourage you to follow the link in the title, to it's definition on Wikipedia.

As life staggers by, and one feels absently lost with purpose, one, as it were, would be chasing a Mcguffin.

This is a startling bit of knowledge. Now. What to do with it?

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Think is Fleeting

Right, before you comment on the title of today's post. I would like to say it was very purposefully worded. The delivery and impact of "think" was intentional. I shall leave that alone now.

I had been quite silent here on my blog for many months. I am trying to get that back on track and do a bit more writing. I do like to, but as with my drawing, I am frequently unmotivated. Finding a desire to do so after a day at work has become increasingly difficult. So, here I am writing before work.

Work, no surprise right now, is into the silly season, where the next hint of some quiet time will be the second week of January. Getting many of the new recruits up to speed is always a challenge. With a 'sink or swim' mentality in place to train them, I fear for the ones who may well burn out before the holidays even arrive. I saunter on....

I am trying to get myself writing more for that simple task of finishing the book I started in 2009. I would very much like to finish it, write a second, and see if I can keep up with the writing so that I can can get many of the worlds I have created in my head, out and for sharing. Not as easy a task as it has been in the past. Focus. Determination. And a little bit of Time. Every little bit will add up. All I have to do is diminish the distractions I find for myself. I know how, I just have to do it.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

There are many places to snag some wi-fi now, and do quick posts. This is something I should have been doing much more, having been distracted by the lazy nature of social networking.

Don't misunderstand me, I like social networks, I have been able to keep up with my friends from a far much more easily. There have also been instances of why I stopped talking to some people, or more awkwardly for me, why they stopped talking to me.

My childhood wasn't deplorable, others certainly had it more rough than I. There were times though, I just didn't get along or fit in. Those who were around then are long gone as people I might have got along with, the echos of things deeply unsettling to me. The friends I have made along the way since then, don't need social networks to keep in touch with. I like it that way.

Interestingly, I still don't quite fit in, or get along with the more socially savy people I work with. I'm fine with this, having realized who I am a long time ago. Watching them try to fit who I am into their perception of being social, can be fun to watch, even amusing at times.

That said, I'm going to check on Google+....

Oh, and as much as I was thinking about it, I am not participating in NaNoWriMo this year, I still need to finish the book from 2009.


Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Random Thoughts

Piece. Fish.






This now completes my random thoughts for the moment.