Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Who Am I

Besides being a great action movie from Jackie Chan? Yeah, I thought that first when I put in a title.

I have been introspective a lot lately. Reaching deep within for the person I was and want to be, versus the person I have become, and pretend to be. They are at odds, making day to day a challenge. I look for the things that make me happy, yet struggle with what I perceive is holding me back. For even finding a moment of happiness, I am tormented by what guilt will be placed upon me for doing so. I need to move on in life, yet, find myself, emotionally trapped.

The struggle continues.


Monday, October 15, 2012

Halloween Grows Nearer

So, I have almost completed my Halloween costume.

It's taken a while, and this year I just got going on making it happen. Granted, many of the actual items, such as the shoes, and whip exist, and are manufactured per request, I find them out of my price range at the moment. I have improvised as best I can for now, with the likelihood of my acquiring the missing pieces slowly over the next few years. More so as I become more proficient with a bullwhip. A new 'hobby' I have taken up in the past year.

 So, I tease my readers with a photo, also hosted over at Flickr.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Getting ready for Halloween!

Jacket, check.
Whip, check.
Satchel, shipped, waiting.
Pants, check.
Shirt, check.
Hat, being tweaked, ETA, this weekend.
Shoes, this weekend.

Yep, it's coming together this year! I can hear the theme music in my head every time I put on the jacket!

This will be a great Halloween.


Saturday, October 6, 2012

The Coming Month

Well, October is here, and I haven't been posting much of substance for several months. Mostly pictures, little blurbs. Must have been a busy summer.

Well, things are cooling off, activities are moving indoors, and in the past there have been goals I have aspired to finish. November will be another goal riddled month, as I am once again going to participate in National Novel Writing Month(NaNoWriMo). It was a lot of fun the last time I got involved, even if I could never attend any of the local gatherings sponsored by the organization due to the hours I work. I might have a couple of friends this year actually partake as well, which could be fun.

To generate a story, I need an idea. This really isn't a problem, I have quite a few. The decision I must make in the next few weeks is to go with the character and environment I created for the last book, so that I can start a series for publication. Or do I experiment with other ideas that are in my head. I want to experiment some more, and have some concepts in my head that are developed enough to start putting to the page as it were. The existing characters and environment are something I would like to do more, but I have yet to come up with an idea I'd like to run with.

Such problems that plague me, if only these were my biggest worries.

So I do hope my mind is quietly making connections to little bits of story that could lead to a fun tale. It's happened before, it will happen again.

So, there are things I am thinking about, and there are THINGS I am THINKING about.

With any luck, I'll post more soon.

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Monday, July 30, 2012

The Rockies

The scope of the vast area known as the Rockies, is truly a sight to see. Knowing that that about the only range of mountains on this continent that is taller is Denali, makes the views no less amazing. An amazing trip so far, with a lot more views to come. - Open 24/7!
Creative Genius For Hire!

Friday, June 22, 2012

Pixar Animation Master Class

So begins my day, hours earlier than I would otherwise be up. Riding the CTA Brown line to my two day class.

Though I haven't done as much as I would have liked with my animation degree, this is one of those moments that I tend to savor. Gleaning as much as I can, that I may have a sense of things to come, and seek the change I am after.
I am being joined by my fellow classmate from our previous college. He made the trip from Kentucky to be a part of this. Learning from the people who have shaped the animated film industry for almost the past two decades.

So, yes, I am a bit excited! - Open 24/7!

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Mind The Dnim

Lost in the emptiness of my mind, nonsense prevails. - Open 24/7!

Friday, March 2, 2012

March Has Arrived

March. The third month. Of twelve. One quarter of a year. In the Northern hemisphere, a shift to new beginnings from a time of hibernation and pause.

Three is held in some regard among various beliefs. Three is used to decide among many, with elders or officials. A simple majority of 2/3, if no clear decision is possible.

March has 31 days. Reverse the number, and you have 13. Draw the '1' & '3' very close together, and you get a 'B'. As in 'Buckaroo'

Take away the 'M', you get 'arch'. An arch made of stone has three parts, each side building to a top keystone. Three letters into arch, is the letter 'c', the third letter of our alphabet. To get a perfect arch, one needs an 'arc', the three letter origin of the word arch.

What does this rambling mean? Who's to know....