Friday, March 2, 2012

March Has Arrived

March. The third month. Of twelve. One quarter of a year. In the Northern hemisphere, a shift to new beginnings from a time of hibernation and pause.

Three is held in some regard among various beliefs. Three is used to decide among many, with elders or officials. A simple majority of 2/3, if no clear decision is possible.

March has 31 days. Reverse the number, and you have 13. Draw the '1' & '3' very close together, and you get a 'B'. As in 'Buckaroo'

Take away the 'M', you get 'arch'. An arch made of stone has three parts, each side building to a top keystone. Three letters into arch, is the letter 'c', the third letter of our alphabet. To get a perfect arch, one needs an 'arc', the three letter origin of the word arch.

What does this rambling mean? Who's to know....