Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Movie Widget

I found a new widget out at www.imdb.com. If you scroll down a bit, on the right,I've made a personal list of "Movie Making At Its Best". Of course this is an opinion, but it's from my point of view, giving you a sense of what I think is good in movies. As I figure it out, and remember other films, it will change. With little exception, everything in that list, is spot on, which is why they came out from my memory so easily, even if the order may differ from time to time.

On another note, I did get out and take some pictures Monday. I may have a few new images to share in the next day or so.

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Pop Art & Photos

Well, I've made a small addition to the blog's right side, please check out the slideshow, if you so desire. For all those who know where I live, that is about to change. There will be a mass e-mail in the next 3-4 weeks with that little update. In the meantime, I have stumbled out of the holidays, and actually got myself to sit down to generate some Pop Art. These are but a few.

For anyone interested in joining me, I have signed up for an Adobe CS3 course, a one day cram it in session, to be held in Oakbrook. I wouldn't mind someone joining me on the little adventure. I intend to settle into the more advanced courses to fill myself in on what I haven't figured out on my own, as there is always something to get from those who know what they are doing.
More to follow soon about that new address....