Saturday, January 12, 2008

Pop Art & Photos

Well, I've made a small addition to the blog's right side, please check out the slideshow, if you so desire. For all those who know where I live, that is about to change. There will be a mass e-mail in the next 3-4 weeks with that little update. In the meantime, I have stumbled out of the holidays, and actually got myself to sit down to generate some Pop Art. These are but a few.

For anyone interested in joining me, I have signed up for an Adobe CS3 course, a one day cram it in session, to be held in Oakbrook. I wouldn't mind someone joining me on the little adventure. I intend to settle into the more advanced courses to fill myself in on what I haven't figured out on my own, as there is always something to get from those who know what they are doing.
More to follow soon about that new address....

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