Friday, April 18, 2008


Here's something out of the ordinary, there have been 7 earthquakes down in southern Illinois right aling the border with Indiana[Click the title of this post to go to the U.S. Geological Service, directly to the info on today's quakes]. Aparently my wife was awakened by the largest of them, a 5.2, early this morning, and there has been a greater than 4 in the last hour. Fun right?

I'll see how this progresses, and post more later.

*Update* [April 19,2008] There were a total of 9 quakes during Friday, and none since 10:05 pm Friday.

1 comment:

Cafe Reggio said...

Brother it's nice to meet you man, i love your pop art... man i know a place downton that you should show case your work. I love meeting other artist! brother if you need me i am just right down stairs.

-Peace love and chicken Grease-
