Monday, September 8, 2008

Another Show Is Approching

With less than a week to the next show, things are shaping up. I've been going over the notes from the last show, and implementing a few changes in presentation & pricing. I still need to get more of my images up on the website, it's just a matter of actually doing it for a few hours one night.

On a camera note, Nikon is introducing a new DSLR, the D90, sometime this month. It looks like the camera I've been waiting for. I haven't purchased a DSLR yer, I'd been looking for all of the right elements in one package. The hard part was most of what I found had the elements I was after only in the pro-gear, and with that lovely pro-gear pricing. The D90 answers the amateur's needs in pricing, and throws HD video in too, a first for DSLR. That, I have to say, swayed my interest. I'm looking forward to its release, sooner the better!

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