I have several large projects going for me right now. Well, I say 'large' mainly because I'm still trying to get a lot of hours at the job that provides health insurance for us as well. I have noted the 'Steam Punk' piece that I am working on, or rather haven't, in almost three weeks. So I'm trying to get back into a 'get-things-done' mode, as opposed to the 'no motivation' I have had lately. I have thought about the 'Steam Punk' piece quite a lot, and been jotting down notes, researching the ancient cultures of ancient central America. 
However I have been making large strides on a poster/invite for my mom's 60th birthday this summer. I assembled most of the imagery a few months back, and then let it sit. Not today, it's been progress, progress, progress. I have set in the bottom of the image and been working my way up. There may yet be a hint of a border tossed in, but the details of that haven't come together in my head yet[See the image below].

I also have been thinking a lot about a story idea that came to me one night at work, just from looking at some one's t-shirt. For a single image, it's turning into a large story with a plethora of fun and interesting characters, environments, and worlds. I have explained the concept to only two people, each with a positive reaction. Of course, that was after they had me break it down a second time. There's a lot to it. So I've been filling a notebook with the tidbits that occur to me throughout the day, I progress a bit at a time, and keep telling myself, 'I want to know more about this universe of characters'.
I haven't really written any stories since high school, but have rather only put to paper [or rather, put to processor], story outlines. Something I'd like to take on later. 'Later' being the bit I need to get past. If I don't do it as soon as I can, I may not do it, having found any number of excuses.
I love to create, both visually and with words. Making the time happen is a habit in current state of chrysalis.
1 comment:
wow thats so frkn awesome give me a piece of your art.
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