I would like to take some time and fix many of the small things on the truck that need repairing, but find it difficult to squeeze the time in to do them when I have to run the truck around to someone's garage to do the fix. I can't wait to have a proper garage to work in.
With any luck, I can get 4-6 six replaced tomorrow, and the remaining 2 on Wednesday. Did I mention some of the plugs are hard to get to.
Should I post some pictures of the process? Or even how dirty I get? What would you like top see a picture of?
very nice and informative site.. keep it up buddy... thanks for sharing..
Wonder if you ever break off the top of the plug. Brother Jim has a V8 in his Sumbeem and has to take out a firewall plug to get at half of them.
Hello Author
Thank you for this informative post. Keep it up
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