Saturday, August 1, 2009

Mitsuwa Obon Festival & Other Updates

We(April, Ellen, & myself), are heading to Mitsuwa to hear a crew member I worked with downtown. Been trying for a while, she usually provided rather short notice, but I got more than a month this time.

On the house front things are progressing. I will try to sum up as best I can, the details get muddled.

We bid on a house almost two months ago, the owner accepted. It was then a matter of time for the owner's mortgage company to approve. About a month in we found out there was a second mortgage, and the two companies were ever so slowly coming to an accord on who owed who how much. At the same time the home was about to go to a sheriff's sale as part of the home being a short sale, we got an extension and things progressed. It is in every one's best interest for the home to get purchased rather than the sheriff sale, for if it does go to sheriff sale, both real estate agents and both mortgage companies loose out. Once the price had been worked out, a home inspection was in order, we had held off until we knew we were actually going to be allowed to get the house. The inspection turned up things I had already observed, no real surprises. There was an assessor at the house at the same time. After they both finished up we waited to hear about our getting the house. The assessor turned up a few things to fix, which the owner is unable to fix as she is broke. So after a legal document giving me permission to make the repairs (Totaling about $43), I got to work. The repairs took a couple of hours, as I got to one last one in the garage, I stumbled on evidence of termites in the wall. This has been a busy week sorting this out. The loan can't be released now until there is proof of treatment. With a pending sheriff sale again next week, I haven't seen all of the people involved move so fast to get the house treated and all of the paper work sorted out. If everyone had communicated this well over the previous 2 months, we'd have been in the house already.

As a side note, both the listing agent and our agent(With around 30 years experience) have never had a house with termites.

April and I are keeping our fingers crossed that everything will be sorted out in the next week.

Comments on this would be very welcome!

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