Wednesday, December 29, 2010

New Design

It was time for a new look. I hadn't made any large changes for about 5 years. Feedback is welcome. The header will most likely get tweaked in the following weeks.

Brian "Buckaroo" Ballinger

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Monday, December 6, 2010

Saturday, November 27, 2010

What's news?

I have not checked in a while. Thought maybe I should.

There are a couple of people who check-in via the web to see what I'm up to. As of the moment though, I have sent both of them e-mails that have had no responses(they are sisters too).

I suspect their e-mail accounts may have been hacked based upon the last e-mails I received from both of them. If they can figure a way to contact me anew, that would be great!

Otherwise, I'm still plugging away at Joe's, which everyday gets me closer to a worn out body. Oh what I do to pay my bills.
Brian "Buckaroo" Ballinger

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Monday, November 15, 2010

Friday, November 12, 2010

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Wish You Were Here.

Brian "Buckaroo" Ballinger

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Awesomely Fast 20 Minutes!

Brian "Buckaroo" Ballinger

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

The Mold-a-Rama Tiki!

Brian "Buckaroo" Ballinger

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Tron Legacy T-shirt Contest

Threadless has had a contest going for Tron-esque imagery. I have managed to get together one submission for now. You can check it out here!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Tron Legacy

The site is up, get your tickets for a free 20 minute preview of the new film!

I have Mine!

Saturday, September 18, 2010

A Brief Pause

Today has been a busy day at the store. Plenty of non-stop things to do, many that overlap, a series of tasks which expands with every question.

The photo captures a moment, all too fleeting, of stillness. I won't be as still for many more hours, with a body that would prefer no movement at all right now.

Back to the busy-ness...
Brian "Buckaroo" Ballinger

Tuesday, September 7, 2010


Okay, went and saw Machete! Robert Rodriguez does know how to have a bit of fun. In many ways, it has a lot in common with the action flicks of the 80's. There is just enough T&A, when 'A' stands for 'Action'. Everyone pulls off a fun performance, and at no point does it get too serious. There are plenty of jokes to laugh at, and a bunch of subtle ones that will sneak up on you.

A good time movie!

Machete photo Bomb here.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Flynn's Arcade Tokens

I'm getting ready for the party in December. I'm not sure if these will be a prize for one of the contests, I would like to keep them. I should keep looking for more maybe...
Brian "Buckaroo" Ballinger

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Saturday, August 21, 2010


Brian "Buckaroo" Ballinger

Friday, August 13, 2010

The Expendables - Continued

So, I would say it was better than The Losers. Decent considering the cast. A few new tricks, and great fight choreography. All in all an action romp.
Brian "Buckaroo" Ballinger

Thursday, August 12, 2010

The Expendables

Sitting myself down for a midnight show of The Expendables. Arriving a half hour before the show, I was actually surprised to see the theater almost half full already. Midnight screenings may get this one rolling, but then I haven't seen much advertising for it. I knew it was coming for some time, and get my updates via the web. I'm still not watching much tv, and the little I do see of commercials tend to be blurs as April fast forwards past them on the Tivo.

More on this one later...

Oh, and the Mindfreak ad before the movie, eh.
Brian "Buckaroo" Ballinger

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Card Buildings Are Growing In Number!

Brian "Buckaroo" Ballinger

Cardhalla Rises!

Progress continues at the Indianapolis Convention Center.
Brian "Buckaroo" Ballinger

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Cardhalla Rises!

Cardhalla rises from the floor. Soon, the 18 feet on either side, the floor and tables will be covered with card buildings!
Brian "Buckaroo" Ballinger

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Travels With Friends, Old And New

This weekend will see my first appearance at Gen Con. A convention dedicated to the art & fun of gaming. What sort of gaming you might ask?? Well, have you heard of Magic the Gathering? Dungeons & Dragons? That sort of gaming.

I may never have played either, but I am versed in the fun that those who do. I have enjoyed watching many a game from a spectator point of view. They have been quite amusing.

I shall be helping with a booth called Cardhalla. A small city of card towers is constructed over several days o the Con. at the end, visitors have a few minutes to destroy it with coin change. All of which then get gathered and donated to several charities. I shall post progress as I am able.

I found out 5 hours ago that I will need to help drive down, and have been scrambling to get my truck ready. Not all that hard, I do my best to take care of it. I got my walkie talkies out and made sure they were charged, should be a fun caravan.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

I do like Hala Kahiki!

It's always fun to come and sit, have drink, enjoy the atmosphere, and have a great conversation with friends.

Anytime you'd like to go, give me an e-mail and I'll be there too.

Would you like to visit when you're in town? Excellent!
Brian "Buckaroo" Ballinger

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Friday, July 2, 2010

Flynn Lives!

The postcards are making it to the midwest. Now to figure out what they mean...
Brian "Buckaroo" Ballinger

Sunday, June 13, 2010

The people I work with

Brian "Buckaroo" Ballinger

Look Into My Eyes

You are getting very sleepy...
Brian "Buckaroo" Ballinger

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Ratton Tunnel

Well, just went from New Mexico to Colorado via the Ratton pass. It seems to have an interesting history. Sounds like the Santa Fe cleverly got their hands on it before the Rio Grande. The pass is also just North of the highest point on the railroad, 7,588 feet!
Brian "Buckaroo" Ballinger


The stopover in Albuquerque has had a slight bit of switching added to it. The train had picked up 3 private cars overnight, and this was their destination. It would appear that the engine pulling our train was being used to do the disconnect and switching of the cars. Unlike when our excursion in San Francisco when the train pulled up and the 2 cars we were riding were added by another engine. I guess it has a bit to do with availability of equipment and the layout of the switches at the station.

Brian "Buckaroo" Ballinger

Tuesday, June 1, 2010


I'm sitting in a courtyard just to the South of Union Station's West entrance. It has two fountains that are just about drowning out the jackhammer work that is very loud in the main atrium.

Unlike so many other open spaces I have walked through, or by, in L.A., this one does not suffer from the scent of an open air port-o-potty.

The amazing trip I just took aside, I have been gawking at the amount of 'tagging' everywhere in L.A.. A general sense of indifference to the appearance of the city. I know Chicago isn't clean, but wow. The warm air seems to be its saving grace to most people I have met.

Well, I depart in about 4 hours, with an arrival in Naperville on Thursday.

It will be nice to be home, I will however miss the events and people from the trip.

Brian "Buckaroo" Ballinger

An Amazing Weekend

I have returned to Los Angeles after an amazing time with so many Disney legends and Disney enthusiasts. The trip to San Francisco and back was like no other train ride I have ever been on, and suspect will be like no other I may ride.

The continued presentations of Disney stories by the people who knew Walt and were there to learn from him was a source of entertainment as well as education. The stories were so often the ones that you will most likely never read about in any book.

The ease with which each and everyone got to know one another was unlike any other trip I have ever taken. To bring this many people together who have such passionate interests, left me feeling right at home, even though the only two people whom I had met previously, were the founders of the society, Michael & Sharon Broggie.

Departing the train, I lingered getting more parting shots of the rail cars. With good-byes flowing all around to many new found friends. I hope to have the opportunity to see and share time with them again.

It was a bit sad, walking down the platform, looking back at the rail cars that brought us all together, knowing that an experience such as this is so incredibly rare.

Brian "Buckaroo" Ballinger

Monday, May 31, 2010

The Walt Disney Family Museum

So, after a late check-in in Emeryville last night(About 12:30), an early morning off to the Presidio and the Walt Disney Family Museum.

This amazing tribute to Walt and what he accomplished in his life is truly amazing. As part of the event I had but two hours to take in all of the exhibits. At my third gallery I was informed that there were ten in all. That was about an hour in, and I thought I was rushing! So, needless to say I hustled through the remaining seven galleries. I had brought in my sketch book as no cameras are allowed. To take in the museum at a pace I would prefer will probably involve being there for many days, I figure about 4-5.

The presentation of the making of The Great Locomotive Chase with Fess Parker(Originally aired on the Disneyland TV show) was a great bonus to the screening of the feature. The Q & A after word was very informative and incredibly entertaining. The speakers being Bob Gurr(Legendary Imagineer from working with Walt), Michael Broggie(Disney Historian, friend to Walt), Ray Spencer(Current Imagineer, working on the new 'Red Car' for California Adventure), and animator John Kimball(Son of Ward Kimball, one of Walt's "Nine Old Men").

All I can say after a life of studying animation and fan of Disney is... Wow. *!!!!!!* (Sigh)

Brian "Buckaroo" Ballinger

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Still heading up the coast

We are still heading North. I am able to stand in the vestibule between cars and hang out the windows on both sides. The smell of the surf and lots of plants in bloom, wow. The views are amazing, even rolling past Brandenburg AFB and seeing rocket and missile towers, while on the other side surf and cliffs. I am very happy I came.

Thanks to April in allowing me to do this.
Brian "Buckaroo" Ballinger


The group is assembled and we're heading out on two private rail cars at the end of an Amtrak run. The dome car Burlington Silver light and a Pullman from New York Central, the Two Rivers. This is going to be fun!
Brian "Buckaroo" Ballinger

Union Station, Los Angeles

Well, I was up with little effort after the great time I had last night, and have returned to where I was just 24 hours ago. I'll be heading North this time, to San Francisco, a journey which should prove most interesting.

The photos that have been accompanying the posts will come to a stop unless I can sort out a camera glitch with my phone. Something that so far has eluded me.

Updates will also be slower in coming as I think this will be the more distracted during this part of the trip.

Brian "Buckaroo" Ballinger

Friday, May 28, 2010

Arrived in LA!

Got into LA about 45 minutes early. Time to eat and then find my hotel.
Brian "Buckaroo" Ballinger

Almost There.

The train has just left San Bernadino heading West for the final stop in LA. Looks like we'll be in a tad early, which is nice. Now it will be a matter of figuring out where to get some breakfast.
Brian "Buckaroo" Ballinger

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Just West of Thoreau, New Mexico

The views of the buttes for the past hour or so have been amazing. The train is just north of I-40(Historic Route 66). Yes, someday soon I will need to make this drive, it's beautiful!
Brian "Buckaroo" Ballinger


Time for a pit stop, 45 minutes to stretch my legs. Checking out the vendors on the platform, we travelers are quite the captive audience. A lot of jewelry tables, pitching the wares of the Southwest. Lots of turquoise & silver.

Looking forward to a call later with the family, celebrating my sibling's Birthday!

Brian "Buckaroo" Ballinger

Rain In New Mexico

I have watched the grassy openness give way rocks and red soil. Scraggly plants and anemic trees vie for the moisture in the soil. The train rolls through the hills, taking that winding path of streams when it rains.

We're pulling into a siding to let the counterpart train heading East, to pass. Once past, our next stop will be Lemy, NM.
Brian "Buckaroo" Ballinger

Las Vegas!

New Mexico that is. Where were you thinking of?

Brian "Buckaroo" Ballinger

The Rockies.

It is interesting for me to see the looming mountains in the hazy distance. The rather flat midwest doesn't inspire as much awe of scale. I'm getting some pictures in, though I think I will get more on the way back.

Brian "Buckaroo" Ballinger

La Junta Colorado

Got off for a few minutes to do the stretching of the legs ritual. Besides plenty of sunshine and warmer air, there were six vendors lined up on the platform selling their wares. Some made over seas trinkets and locally made jewelry, as well as an assortment of books and magazines, all a bit wore at the edges. There were even two people with original postcards and note cards.

If things stay on time, 25 more hours to go! Looking forward to Friday night Tiki time!
Brian "Buckaroo" Ballinger

Lamar Colorado

A very brief stop. On mountain time now. Been sleeping in spurts, which leads me to believe that my first night in LA will be a cinch in getting to sleep. Lots of farm fields and grazing land as far as the eye can see.
Brian "Buckaroo" Ballinger


Stopped at one of the AT&SF namesake cities! All that's left of that railroad is now the BNSF.

I sit here watching videos, catching glimpses of scenery at night illuminated by an almost full moon, or the periodic puddles of man made light that exsist between stops. The gentle snoring or heavy breathing of several people to let me know I'm one of the few awake. The lady across the aisle has taken the blanket off her head once since I got on. Granted I have not been in my seat this whole time.

So far so good on keeping to the schedule, but there's more than a day to go yet.

Brian "Buckaroo" Ballinger

Lawrence Kansas

Arrived here 10 minutes early! The crew looks like they are trying to keep things on schedule!
Brian "Buckaroo" Ballinger

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Continued travels

Rolling through Missouri right now, stopped in La Plata about 45 minutes ago. We seem to be about 30 minutes behind at the moment. I'm hoping we make up some of the time over night with fewer stops. Otherwise, at this rate we'll be into LA a lot later than I was hoping.

Fingers are crossed.

Brian "Buckaroo" Ballinger

Crossing the Mighty Mississippi!

We are about to stop in Fort Madison, IA. Enjoying some pizza as I watch the sun go down. It's been a while since I've been able to travel so far while enjoying the view.
Brian "Buckaroo" Ballinger


First stop, Mendota, IL. They have a small railroad museum out here. May have to day trip it sometime soon!

The switching Geep is for the boys, but we all know I like trains too.
Brian "Buckaroo" Ballinger

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

New Web Site Up And Running

So there has been a redesign in the works for a while, at the moment I will not be looking to sell pieces as much as showcasing what I have at the moment. Thoughts and comments are welcome.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Wow, a whole month!

Shame on me. It's been a whole month since I posted.

I've got a new phone, going from a 3 year old Blackjack to a brand new Blackberry 9700. Oh so nice.

I've seen the Losers, it was quite entertaining. A great Action Comedy. Iron Man 2 is fantastic. I'd like to see it again.

I'm heading out to L.A. Memorial Day weekend. By train no less. I'm heading west to attend an event for the Carolwood Pacific Historical Society. It sounds important, it is if you like trains and Walt Disney. I'm looking forward to the train ride from L.A. to San Francisco with so many Disney people. More on this soon....

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

A Great Day To Sit Outside.

Sitting, watching the sun go down while I wait for April to come home.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

New Hall Bath Light Fixture!

This is soooooooo much brighter than the last one. Can't wait till April sees it.

Time To Decorate!

Time to decorate the birthday ducky! Two birthdays will be celebrated tomorrow. I need to have this ready.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Encom Badge!


My Encom badge has arrived!

This was in my mailbox! Was it wrong that I was listening to Daft Punk when I went to the mailbox?

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Cop Out

Okay, I caught a movie tonight. Unlike most of the other posts where I tell you what I'm about to see, I've JUST seen this one.

And it rocked! If you need a good laugh while enjoying some fun action, this movie is for you. I haven't laughed that hard in quite a while.

A job well done for Mr. Willis, Mr. Morgan, and director Kevin Smith!

You want to catch this one!

Monday, March 15, 2010

A Busy Weekend

Well, there was much traveling with even more conversation with my wife's family, some of whom I had not even met before.

It was a gathering to celebrate the life of a wonderful woman who raised five children who went on to build their own wonderful families, of which I am now a part.

As with the first time I met many of them, I was welcomed in as a long time friend, a family I have become a part of recently, though I get welcomed in as if I had been there for decades.

We celebrated the life of Mary Jane through stories and anecdotes, memories and photos. She was a truly wonderful woman for so many people.

I am very happy I got to know her too.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

That Feeling.

You know, it's like someone's there, even when there isn't.