Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Travels With Friends, Old And New

This weekend will see my first appearance at Gen Con. A convention dedicated to the art & fun of gaming. What sort of gaming you might ask?? Well, have you heard of Magic the Gathering? Dungeons & Dragons? That sort of gaming.

I may never have played either, but I am versed in the fun that those who do. I have enjoyed watching many a game from a spectator point of view. They have been quite amusing.

I shall be helping with a booth called Cardhalla. A small city of card towers is constructed over several days o the Con. at the end, visitors have a few minutes to destroy it with coin change. All of which then get gathered and donated to several charities. I shall post progress as I am able.

I found out 5 hours ago that I will need to help drive down, and have been scrambling to get my truck ready. Not all that hard, I do my best to take care of it. I got my walkie talkies out and made sure they were charged, should be a fun caravan.

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