Tuesday, June 1, 2010


I'm sitting in a courtyard just to the South of Union Station's West entrance. It has two fountains that are just about drowning out the jackhammer work that is very loud in the main atrium.

Unlike so many other open spaces I have walked through, or by, in L.A., this one does not suffer from the scent of an open air port-o-potty.

The amazing trip I just took aside, I have been gawking at the amount of 'tagging' everywhere in L.A.. A general sense of indifference to the appearance of the city. I know Chicago isn't clean, but wow. The warm air seems to be its saving grace to most people I have met.

Well, I depart in about 4 hours, with an arrival in Naperville on Thursday.

It will be nice to be home, I will however miss the events and people from the trip.

Brian "Buckaroo" Ballinger