Saturday, August 28, 2010

Flynn's Arcade Tokens

I'm getting ready for the party in December. I'm not sure if these will be a prize for one of the contests, I would like to keep them. I should keep looking for more maybe...
Brian "Buckaroo" Ballinger

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Saturday, August 21, 2010


Brian "Buckaroo" Ballinger

Friday, August 13, 2010

The Expendables - Continued

So, I would say it was better than The Losers. Decent considering the cast. A few new tricks, and great fight choreography. All in all an action romp.
Brian "Buckaroo" Ballinger

Thursday, August 12, 2010

The Expendables

Sitting myself down for a midnight show of The Expendables. Arriving a half hour before the show, I was actually surprised to see the theater almost half full already. Midnight screenings may get this one rolling, but then I haven't seen much advertising for it. I knew it was coming for some time, and get my updates via the web. I'm still not watching much tv, and the little I do see of commercials tend to be blurs as April fast forwards past them on the Tivo.

More on this one later...

Oh, and the Mindfreak ad before the movie, eh.
Brian "Buckaroo" Ballinger

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Card Buildings Are Growing In Number!

Brian "Buckaroo" Ballinger

Cardhalla Rises!

Progress continues at the Indianapolis Convention Center.
Brian "Buckaroo" Ballinger

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Cardhalla Rises!

Cardhalla rises from the floor. Soon, the 18 feet on either side, the floor and tables will be covered with card buildings!
Brian "Buckaroo" Ballinger

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Travels With Friends, Old And New

This weekend will see my first appearance at Gen Con. A convention dedicated to the art & fun of gaming. What sort of gaming you might ask?? Well, have you heard of Magic the Gathering? Dungeons & Dragons? That sort of gaming.

I may never have played either, but I am versed in the fun that those who do. I have enjoyed watching many a game from a spectator point of view. They have been quite amusing.

I shall be helping with a booth called Cardhalla. A small city of card towers is constructed over several days o the Con. at the end, visitors have a few minutes to destroy it with coin change. All of which then get gathered and donated to several charities. I shall post progress as I am able.

I found out 5 hours ago that I will need to help drive down, and have been scrambling to get my truck ready. Not all that hard, I do my best to take care of it. I got my walkie talkies out and made sure they were charged, should be a fun caravan.