Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Tiki Geeks


I would like to let those of you who are regular readers of this blog know about a new audio podcast I'm involved in.

Tiki Geeks!

If you follow the link over at the right, it will take you over to the newly christened site! As a geek, and tikiphile, this is a natural progression of what I do. This way, I get to share the fun I have with others who are interested in many of the same things.

Tiki Drinks - Check.
Gadget news - Check.
Gaming news - Check.
Where to get good Tiki drinks - Check.
People who make games - Check.
The list goes on....

So, if you have any interest in these things, follow the link. Even if you don't, you an hear me do silly things in the name of a podcast.


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