Saturday, December 31, 2011

Mission Impossible:Ghost Protocol

You may already have know than Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol is already out. I for one, knew when it was released, but through my lack of TV watching, and that I read newspapers online, have in fact, seen no advertising for it. I saw the trailers when they were released online, as I read film related news sites.

Enough about that, I'll be writing more about it in the coming weeks. On to the movie!

Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol was directed by Brad Bird, who previously had only directed animated films. Most notable would be Iron Giant & The Incredibles, which is also one of my all time favorite films. To see him take a step into film making on a shorter time line is interesting. Granted large Pixar films and Mission Impossible have similar budget sizes, the step is also interesting as the upcoming John Carter of Mars film is also being directed by an animated film director straying into live action, Andrew Stanton.

Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol is an adventure. I mean that. Few action movies lately have strayed to so many locations for so much of the movie. The characters were very thought out, something which seemed to be lacking for several of the large summer films. The intertwining and layers of the script were refreshing as well. So many of the crop of action films are barely able to get two good twists or the character paths to mesh. Mission Impossible did this, and MORE. The script writing was a treat, with familiar echoes.

So, I should also say that I am not much of a fan of Tom Cruise. The director got me in to see the movie. That said, I will see this movie again with my wife, it was THAT good. If you had any doubts about whether or not to catch Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol, I would say you need to see it. The suspense is amazing.

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