Saturday, December 13, 2008

The Day The Earth Stood Still

Okay, I'm a big fan of the original movie, so going out to see the new one was kind of important to me. Let me ad that I also saw it in IMAX.  

The previews capture much of the story outline, the movie itself gives the viewer the details in getting there.  Though there were many nods to the original, the new movie is in many ways its own.  I, as a viewer, never felt peril, making the message in the movie muddled. It was left to the main character's [Helen Benson; Jennifer Connelly] emotions to lead me through. Her moment to shine seemed like a preplanned event, scheduled in the movie, with out enough to build to it, as good as it was. 

The effects were wonderfully detailed. My observations would lead me to believe that Weta did most of the environment dissolve shots, and Cinesite doing the sphere shots[Can someone confirm this?], based on their technical strengths. 

As for the message in the movie, being a child of the 70's, the be kind to the environment message was nothing new. With the media doing a mish mash, up and down job of conveying the same message over the last decade or so. As a kid, it was very much about don't be a litter bug, pick up after yourself, etc... without the cause of why I had something to throw away in the first place. I may have enjoyed the treat, but at what price?

So, yes, I liked it, but I have other movies I still want to see, and see again.

Friday, December 12, 2008

Bettie Page Has Left Us.

In a piece of sad news, Bettie Page passed away today in a Los Angeles area hospital.  She was 85.

For such a short time in the public eye, she left an indelible impression.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Working on Art Today!

Today was a day for me to work on art.  I had a successful day at the craft show Sunday, 100% increase from the train shows I have attended.  

I have several large projects going for me right now. Well, I say 'large' mainly because I'm still trying to get a lot of hours at the job that provides health insurance for us as well.  I have noted the 'Steam Punk' piece that I am working on, or rather haven't, in almost three weeks. So I'm trying to get back into a 'get-things-done' mode, as opposed to the 'no motivation' I have had lately.  I have thought about the 'Steam Punk' piece quite a lot, and been jotting down notes, researching the ancient cultures of ancient central America.
However I have been making large strides on a poster/invite for my mom's 60th birthday this summer.  I assembled most of the imagery a few months back, and then let it sit.  Not today, it's been progress, progress, progress.  I have set in the bottom of the image and been working my way up.  There may yet be a hint of a border tossed in, but the details of that haven't come together in my head yet[See the image below].

I also have been thinking a lot about a story idea that came to me one night at work, just from looking at some one's t-shirt.  For a single image, it's turning into a large story with a plethora of fun and interesting characters, environments, and worlds.  I have explained the concept to only two people, each with a positive reaction. Of course, that was after they had me break it down a second time.  There's a lot to it. So I've been filling a notebook with the tidbits that occur to me throughout the day, I progress a bit at a time, and keep telling myself, 'I want to know more about this universe of characters'. 

I haven't really written any stories since high school, but have rather only put to paper [or rather, put to processor], story outlines. Something I'd like to take on later. 'Later' being the bit I need to get past.  If I don't do it as soon as I can, I may not do it, having found any number of excuses. 

I love to create, both visually and with words.  Making the time happen is a habit in current state of chrysalis

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Craft Show At St. Petronille

Well it's time for another show!

I'll be at the craft show at St. Petronille till about 1pm today. Stop by and say 'Hi', get a great piece of unique art before thet're gone.

See you shortly!

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Orphan Works : Lame Duck Countdown

Orphan Works: A Lame Duck Countdown

Part III: 215 Letters

Nearly 300 million people live in the US. How many of them does it take to make an “orphan works problem”? Apparently 215 (give or take a few). That’s the only conclusion we can draw from the Report on Orphan Works released by the Copyright Office in 2006.

In their testimony to Congress, the Copyright Office stated they had received “over 850 letters” to their Orphan Works Study. Yet they failed to note that 600 of those letters had to be dismissed as irrelevant or too vague to determine their relevance to orphaned work.

That information can be found, if you look for it, in their own Report on Orphan Works.
“The Office received an overwhelming response (by comparison to past studies), receiving 721 initial comments, and 146 reply comments.” - Page 17
Or a total of 867 letters. So much for the talking point. But read on to page 21:
“A large portion of the comments (about 40%) did not identify a specific instance where a copyright owner could not be identified or located. Another portion (10%) presented enough specific information for us to conclude that the problem presented was not in fact an orphan works situation. (Italics in original.)

“Still, approximately 50% of comments did contain information that could fairly be construed as presenting an orphan works situation, and a significant number of those comments (about 45%, or about 24% of all comments) provided enough information about a specific situation for us to conclude that it presented an orphan works situation.” (Emphasis added)
In other words, 24% of 867, or about 215 letters.

On the basis of these letters - out of a country of nearly 300 million people, Copyright Office attorneys have deduced an orphan works “problem” so serious that US copyright law must be be rewritten behind closed doors and rushed through Congress without an open and transparent public debate.

And remember:
  • Many who responded to the Orphan Works Study no doubt thought they were contributing to a study of true orphaned works – not promoting a bill that would legalize the commercial infringement of new work from the moment it was created.
  • The “interested parties” who worked with the law students in drafting the bill’s “legislative blueprint” were well aware of the Copyright Office study and filed comments supporting the recommendations they had worked on.
  • But individual artists, design firms, and other small businesses never knew the study was being conducted and therefore had no voice in the study.
  • An exception was the statement submitted by the Illustrators’ Partnership, signed by two thousand artists and endorsed by 42 national and international visual arts organizations. It spelled out the need for maintaining existing copyright protections and warned that a bill drafted too broadly would undermine intellectual property rights and spread uncertainty in commercial markets. Yet although the Orphan Works Report was 127 pages long, the Copyright Office never found space to mention that statement.
- Brad Holland and Cynthia Turner, for the Board of the Illustrators’ Partnership

Tomorrow: “Meow” or Moving the Cats’ Food

The Orphan Works Act of 2008 (H.R. 5889) has not been passed by the House of Representatives, but could be placed on the Suspensions calendar and passed by the lame duck session of Congress scheduled to re-convene next week. The Illustrators’ Partnership is asking lawmakers to hold the bill over to the next session of Congress, when rightsholders can have an opportunity to have their case heard before the full Judiciary Committee. 

If you received our mail as a forwarded message, and wish to be added to our mailing list, email us at: Place "Add Name" in the subject line, and provide your name and the email address you want used in the message area.

Please post or forward this message to any interested party.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Next Art Show!

Okay, I know I have been attending the Great Midwest Train show to sell my art work, but this Sunday I will be at the St Petronille annual Christmas Craft sale, in Glen Ellyn.  

I hope to see you there!

Find my Art on the web all the time

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Steam Punk Challenge! Concepts #1

I've been researching the Olmec of South America. They left a mark on the landscape with their colossal heads, as well as a possible origin for many of the rest of South America's cultures in the pre-Colombian era.  they have little in the way of recorded mythology, but what little there is still fascinates.  

The feathered serpent, or man of crops, which have been depicted in the stylization of many mezoamerican cultures.  Adornments are of critical importance, detail, which seem to lend themselves to such a challenge. Just to get a rough idea, I've been drawing the art & sculpture, and for kicks drew over a Lintel carving to see the concept emerge.  I will work at this a bit more, but am going to head to bed at the moment. 

Comments are welcome.  

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Steam Punk Mythology

As I search the web, I find many things, some I had know about [The Weta Rayguns], which are very keen in their own right. but also the convention held at the beginning of the month out in California [Which now also has a mention of the Steam Punk Art Challenge].  

I'm starting to lean toward a South American theme, before Europeans arrived.  Olmec would be fun, the mythology there is sparse anyway, leaving room for various interpretations.  The scale of some of their monoliths lends itself quite well to the Steam Punk theme. 

My notebook is starting to have lots of scribbles, doodles, and other scratchings that in a few years even I won't recognise. I think about scenes in my head all day at work, come home, and try to spill them out, without making a mess. Although sometimes the mess is a bit helpful, bringing together ideas in a way I hadn't previously thought. 

Friday, November 14, 2008

Steam Punk Challenge

Here's a chance to see me work a concept through. I haven't done this since going to school in Florida. I've got to post progress milestones to the competition. I do have some ideas to start with, but I would like to ask the friends who view this blog, Steam Punk, what images are conjured in your mind by those words? What image have you been waiting to see, that best describes the term Steam Punk to you?

My progress will be posted at the site holding the competition, follow the link

Thanks to everyone who reads this, and shares their ideas,

Quantum of Solace - A midnight experience!

The theater was packed, loud, anxious. A highly anticipated movie was about to be a light on the solemn screen before us all.

It picked up, moments after where "Casino Royale" left off, from there...

Let me put it this way. "Quantum of Solace" continues "Casino Royale's" white knuckle joyride. I WILL see it again!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Any Day Adobe, I'm Ready!

For those not in the know, there are 32bit and 64bit versions of Windows. 64bit being the 'new' thing, XP was available in 64bit, Vista is[ Not that I want to use Vista, but I'm not using XP either]. The big problem is the lack of support for 64bit Operating Systems, I have been directed to Adobe's web site for weeks, so that I may view embedded content in web pages, using the newest version of Adobe Flash.  Only I keep getting this wonderful page, because it auto detects my OS.

[Sorry, your platform is not supported]

Some day soon, Adobe will make this a thing of the past. After all, it only took them 5 weeks to get the coding done for reading the Nikon D90 .nef files[Raw].

Monday, November 10, 2008

Friday, November 7, 2008


I am posting to say that I will not be attending the Great Midwest Train Show this Sunday. Anyone interested in any art I would have been there to sell, is encouraged to contact me directly, either by e-mail, or leaving a comment on this post.  I would love to meet more people and provide art for their desires, but his weekend is a bit tough for me. 

Val, feel free to leave a comment one of these days, you seem to be checking in a bit more often. You can always be anonymous.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Photo Critique!

Please take a moment and think about why you like photos. 

Other people's perspectives? A grasp into an artist mind? The view less traveled by a casual observer? Something else?

If you click on the title, you'll get a rare chance to see my photography skills. I have not altered any of the photos, I may later on, but not yet.  I would like to have feedback on their quality, as well as how you perceive them.  Partake please, that I may understand you, the viewer, who enjoys wonderful photography.

Many thanks,

This will be a limited time only, two weeks at the most.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Next Day Off is Tuesday

What to do? I can't decide [I don't mean voting either, I already did that]. It looks like it will be above 70, which for November, is something to be taken advantage of. I know a few friends and family do swing in and take a peek at this, feel free to ACTUALLY leave a comment, or of course, you could also e-mail me too.

I've thought about the Arboretum, washing my truck, visiting a zoo, or something else that would keep me outside.

Well, I hope to get a few responses before Monday night.

Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween!


Okay, who checked in from Lombard? 

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Jeep in the garage: Phase I

Well , I've been pugging away trying to make space in the garage for the Jeep. This is a small feat in-and-of-itself. I have a feeling minor demons are at this very moment are investing in winter attire[Wink, wink]. Allergy meds have kept any potential sniffles and sneezes at bay. Though my lungs certainly feel as though there may be plenty of extra dust in them. With any luck Phase II will be the lesser of the two Phases.

Tomorrow is also a day of. I see Ikea, early voting, and some pictures in my future...


Monday, October 27, 2008

More Pop Art

I've plugged away tonight while I wasn't sleeping, and finished this particular image. I took it back in August with full intentions of having it for the next Train Show. I got a bit behind with a new camera, Zombie game, and a few other distractions. This is the first freight diesel I've done in my style. I had went out to get pictures of the "J" [Elgin, Joliet & Eastern], before the CN [Canadian National] takes full control.
For the record, I'm all for the CN taking over and making better use of the "J" corridor. A future passenger rail line along that stretch would be a much needed help to many commuters. Besides being a rail traffic relief for Chicagoland.


Friday, October 24, 2008

Day off

The Tiki wispers drink ideas in my ear, mumbles something about a new drink called "Lala!?!"

So today I had a day off, it's been typical Chicagoland, Cool, Sunny, Warm, Windy, Dark, Rainy.

I spent a bit too much time playing Zombie Panic![The Half Life Mod]. It's a FPS zombie game like George Romero's classic. Really!!

I did do a few things around the place today that needed to get done. April will be quite happy with one of them, it's over her desk. I've backed up a bunch of my photos on to newly purchased dual layer dvds. I take pictures in raw with my D90 on a 8Gb card, the space on a dual layer dvd, 8.5Gb, perfect. Adobe has caught up with the D90 raw, so that the Adobe products can now read it, hooray! I've also sorted through a lot of my photos, the step up to the D90 created a new storage labeling problem which I think I have sorted out.

For anyone who like James Bond, a great edition of Casino Royale was issued on Tuesday, lots of bonus info, 7 hours worth. I did enjoy watching some more of that today, has anyone found any easter eggs in....

Oh, lightning, I may need to get out the camera......


Friday, October 17, 2008

Return to the Volo Auto Museum

I have ventured north to the land of the exotic, classic & famed. I have returned to Volo. I expect to take a vast amount of pictures today. Look for new 'Pop Art' images of muscle cars in the coming weeks.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Great Midwest Train Show!

I'm all set up, so come out and see! The DuPage county fair grounds, in Wheaton, IL.
I've got new pieces to show!
Save with special show prices!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Sunday is Train Show Day!

Come out to the DuPage County fair grounds this Sunday to see more of the Art that I produce. Come on out, find a beautiful piece of Art to hang on your wall. Doors open at 9:30am. I've been producing more pieces, getting them printed, and signed by the artist. Train art for your friends and family? Of course! So stop by and say 'Hi', meet the artist, Buckaroo will be there to answer questions and personalize any piece for you.

Friday, October 3, 2008

Orphan Works Not Dead Yet

I am amazed by the number of people I know who work with visual media, either personally or for another company, who know nothing about this legislation. And when confronted with the facts, are completely indifferent. Please read the following information from the "Illustrators' Parntership." Be responsible, contact your elected officials about how much of a bad idea this legislation is.

According to our sources
If this Bill is only meant to help libraries and museums, why did they draft it behind closed doors?Why have the doors been opened wide for commercial infringement of the work of living authors actively licensing their work?Why do they want to pass it when nobody's looking?Why do they want to re-write copyright law without an open debate?Stop this effort to give content to Big Internet firms by undermining copyright law.Get the word out.

· Light up Washington and home offices of your Congressman.
· Contact the media.
· Deny them cover. Do not let them hide.

Tell them we will hold each of them accountable.

THE MESSAGE for your Congressman, Key Leaders, Aides, Media

· The "Dark Archive" - where infringers can register their paperwork in secret - will not protect our copyrights.
· An "Open Archive" - with orphaned work exposed to to the public - would be a come-and-get-it bank for plagiarists and infringers.
· Artists cannot monitor tens or hundreds of thousands of images every day to see if somebody somewhere has infringed their work.
· There are more than a trillion images subject to orphaning each day.
· If someone can't find me, that doesn't mean I've orphaned my work.
· An unsuccessful search for a property owner should not be a license to steal.
· Artists should not have to digitize their life's work at their own expense to comply with a law they don't want or need.
· The high cost compliance would make compliance prohibitive.
· The loss of exclusive rights would undermine contractual agreements with clients.
· We cannot sell exclusive rights to clients if others can publish our work without our knowledge or consent.
· The loss of exclusive rights would devalue our entire inventories of work.
· Small business owners should not be forced to subsidize the business models of Big Internet firms.
· No rational business owner should have to give access to their inventory, metadata, client contact information, etc. to outside business interests.

Tell lawmakers to prevent passage of this bill until it can be subjected to an open, informed and transparent public examination.

Tell them this is no way to re-write copyright law.

Tell them it will affect millions of rights holders worldwide.

Tell them you would support a true orphan works bill, but this is not it.

Tell them to to consider the amendments presented by the Illustrators' Partnership, Artists Rights Society and Advertising Photographers of America Phone, fax, email these Congresspeople immediately

DELAHUNT Phone: (202) 225-3111 Fax (202) 225-5658 Phone: (617) 770-3700 Fax: (617) 770-2984

CONYERS Phone: (202) 225-5126 Fax: (202) 225-0072 Phone: (313) 961-5670 Fax: (313) 226-2085

NADLER Phone: (202) 225-5635 Fax: (202) 225-6923 Phone: (212) 367-7350 Fax: (212) 367-7356

BERMAN Phone: (202) 225-4695 Fax: (202) 225-3196 Phone: (818) 994-7200 Fax: (818) 994-1050

PELOSI Phone: (202) 225-4965 Fax: (202) 225-8259 Phone: (415) 556-4862 Fax: (415) 861-1670

HOYER Phone: (202) 225-4131 Fax: (202) 225-4300 Phone: (301) 474-0119 Fax: (301) 474-4697

YOUR REPRESENTATIVETo find Washington and District Office phone, fax and web forms for your Representative enter your zip code

YOUR LOCAL MEDIATo find the contacts for your Local Media go to enter your zip code - Brad Holland and Cynthia Turner, for the Board of the Illustrators' PartnershipPlease post or forward this message immediately to any interested party.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Illinois Railway Museum

I'm a bit excited to see that another barn is being built to hold the vast collection of trains that is the Illinois Railway Museum. I came out to get more picture to modify to my 'Pop Art' style that I do. I am also seeing some friends, and shortly more family members should arrive.

Here's to picture taking!

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Orphan Works Opposition: Plan B

Copied from the Illustrators' Partnership Blog;

SEPT 27 Yesterday, in a cynical move, the sponsors of the Senate Orphan Works Act passed their controversial bill by a controversial practice known as hotlining.With lawmakers scrambling to raise 700 billion dollars to bail out businesses that are “too big to fail,” the Senate passed a bill that would force small copyright holders to subsidize big internet interests such as Google, which has already said it plans to use millions of the images this bill will orphan.With the meltdown on Wall Street, this is no time for Congress to concentrate our nation’s copyright wealth in the hands of a few privately owned corporate databases. The contents of these databases would be more valuable than secure banking information. Yet this bill would compel creators to risk their own intellectual property to supply content to these corporate business models. That means it would be our assets at risk in the event of their failure or mismanagement.As David Rhodes, President of the School of Visual Arts has said, the Orphan Works bill would socialize the expense of copyright protection while privatizing the profit of creative endeavors. Copyright owners neither want nor need this legislation. It will do great harm to small businesses. We already have a banking crisis. Congress should not lay the groundwork for a copyright crisis.– Brad Holland and Cynthia Turner, for the Illustrators’ Partnership

NOW FOR PLAN B We MUST try to stop the House Judiciary Committee from folding their bill (HR5889) and adopting the Senate version. PLEASE EMAIL CONGRESS TODAY. If you’ve done it before, do it again!It takes only a minute to use our new special letter.Click on the link below, enter your zip code, and take the next steps.Thanks to all of you who heeded the call to action yesterday.

Over 70 organizations oppose this bill, representing over half a million creators.Illustrators, photographers, fine artists, songwriters, musicians, and countless licensing firms all believe this bill will harm their small businesses. The Illustrators Partnership Capwiz site is open to professional creators and any member of the image-making public.

Friday, September 26, 2008

Call your Senator, Orphan Works is on the floor!

***UPDATE*** The Senate Version Has Passed.... Unless you call your elected officials tonight, it will be expensive to get your work back tomorrow!

ORPHAN WORKS BILL HOTLINEDAgain.THIS MEANS IT COULD PASS THE SENATE THIS AFTERNOONPLEASE CALL YOUR SENATORS IMMEDIATELYASK THEM TO VOTE NO ON THIS BILL:S2913 THE SHAWN BENTLEY ORPHAN WORKS ACT OF 2008ASK THEM TO PUT A "HOLD" ON THE BILL:TELL THEM YOU OPPOSE THIS CONTROVERSIAL BILLASK THEM NOT TO PASS IT WITHOUT A FULL AND OPEN HEARINGWARN THEM THAT IT WILL DO GREAT HARM TO SMALL BUSINESSESTo find your Senators' phone numbers go to the Illustrators' Partnership Orphan Works site: the top of the home page, click on "Elected Officials"You'll find a US map:Click on your state,Then "Senators,"Then click on each Senator's name,Then click "Contact."This will give you their phone and fax numbers.Please phone and fax them both immediately.-Brad Holland and Cynthia Turner, for the Board of the Illustrators' Partnership
Over 70 organizations are united in opposing this bill in its current form. Illustrators, photographers, fine artists, songwriters, musicians, and countless licensing firms all believe this bill will harm their small businesses.The Capwiz site is open to professional creators and any member of the image-making public. Sample letters have been provided. International artists will find a special link, with a sample letter and instructions as to whom to write.If you received our mail as a forwarded message, and wish to be added to our mailing list, email us Place "Add Name" in the subject line, and provide your name and the email address you want used in the message area. Please post or forward this message in its entirety to any interested party.

Thursday, September 25, 2008


There are those in Washington that say the Orphan Works legislation is dead for the year, but right now there is a flurry of activity trying to get the bank mess straightened out. Please press to your elected officials how much the Orphan Works legislation would harm those that would generate art, images, & photos for public consumption.

For more information, and links to your elected officials, follow this link;

Thank you.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Keeping an eye on Mom

Okay, the past few days have been fun. Mom was fighting a fever over the weekend, with help from my sister[I was out of town]. The fever however had fought its way back twice, at which time my sister had taken our Mom to the hospital. After the usual plethora of tests, the verdict was pneumonia. Well, It sounds like Mom will be out tomorrow[Horay!]. So I've been a bit pre occupied.

I am hoping to make it to the Great Midwest Train Show in October, see you there.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Eye problems

I thought things had been getting so much better. I will not be attending the show this weekend, as I have been unable to prepare these last few days.

From what my doctor said, I have not scratched my eye again, rather a layer of my cornea came off(Much like a layer of onion skin, once the layer starts to come free, the rest easily follows). As this has taken place in my eye, the discomfort has been extreme at times, also making extended periods of sleep difficult. I have not considered driving in this condition, it just seems like a bad idea. I open one eye periodically, to try and get a few things accomplished, but the eye that is having problems can't take the movement for very long. So I lay on my back, thinking my eye is already better, getting sleep when I can.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Another Show Is Approching

With less than a week to the next show, things are shaping up. I've been going over the notes from the last show, and implementing a few changes in presentation & pricing. I still need to get more of my images up on the website, it's just a matter of actually doing it for a few hours one night.

On a camera note, Nikon is introducing a new DSLR, the D90, sometime this month. It looks like the camera I've been waiting for. I haven't purchased a DSLR yer, I'd been looking for all of the right elements in one package. The hard part was most of what I found had the elements I was after only in the pro-gear, and with that lovely pro-gear pricing. The D90 answers the amateur's needs in pricing, and throws HD video in too, a first for DSLR. That, I have to say, swayed my interest. I'm looking forward to its release, sooner the better!

Monday, August 18, 2008

A quiet day on Lake Sunapee

We arrived safe and sound, seeing Vermont in daylight was beautiful. That also made for some fun driving up and down the hills in my manual truck!

Sunday, August 17, 2008

The Ohio Turnpike

The first stop in Ohio. Fuel & snacks. New Hampshire here we come!

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Now that's an Ice Cream Truck!

Saw this on the way in to work. If only all ice cream trucks could look this good!

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Great Midwest Train Show!

Come one, come all! It's the Great Midwest Train Show!

The table is up, prints out for showing, and business cards galore!

Stop by the DuPage county fair grounds between 9:30am & 3:00pm. See you there!

Monday, August 4, 2008

Prints have been ordered!

Well, I'm another step closer to selling my art. I've ordered 8x10 & 11x14 size prints. Now all I have to do is reserve a table at the venue.

Who wants to go to a Train Show?

Cleaning off old Hard Drives

I found this on an old hard drive. I'm in the process of doing many things, one of which is recovering data from a computer of mine that crashed almost two years ago. Obviously I wasn't in much of a hurry. Never the less, I am getting things from it now. I just wanted to share this particular image... enjoy.

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Impending Web Site Update

For those of you checking in regularly, I posted a few weeks back about sales of my images on-line. Well, it's about to happen. I'm fine tuning the web design, and even places to showcase the art in the real word. My goal is to be functional by Friday, with the weekend to fine tune any bugs [Which always seem to pop up, but hey, I'm not going to have any!] So be ready.

I'd also like to ask for any one's opinion on having on-line sales, any known problems you've had, things you wish the sites had, etc... I'd like to make the site as friendly as possible. Thanks for your help.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

X-Files: I Want To Believe

Well, I made it out to see X-Files: I Want TO Believe. For only having come out Friday, I was only one of 3 people in the theater, kind of disappointing. I was an avid watcher of the show, I missed my share of them in the last few seasons, but I found the series entertaining. The movie has picked up quite some time after the series ended. I was hoping for something along the lines of the previous feature, but I felt something was missing. I enjoyed the plot line of Mulder & Scully, something that was tantalizingly glazed over in the series. The story they were wrapped up in seemed to lack something. I believed in the characters, but got the impression they were being led into the story, more so than in the series. I didn't always get the impression that the characters were working for the story, leaving the story a bit hollow. Overall the movie was executed very well, though everything wasn't in sync for a good flow. Good for an X-Files buff, but not many others I would imagine.

If you can't decide whether to see it or not, I hope this helps.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Journey To The Center Of The Earth 3D

I know most people are out helping The Dark Knight shatter new box office records this weekend, but I was catching "Journey To The Center Of The Earth 3D", to see the 3D process used. There are competing processes, one being RealD, the other Dolby 3D. Journey used the Dolby process. Both seem to be employing a polarized lens to trick the eye to see stereoscopic depth. The process was used quite well for most of the movie, with plenty of emphasis in the first fifteen minutes to let you know the film makers were having fun setting up how much 3D was going to be used to an extreme sense of depth. Even with one eye closed, there was only one of the two images visible. A drawback for me was a reflection I got off my glasses that showed up on the inside of the 3D glasses which got very annoying, prompting me to take my glasses off[Others will not be so lucky with this, depending on their prescription].

For a family action romp, the movie succeeded in keeping a good pace. Brendan Fraser's character was about the same as his "Mummy" alter ego, with a dash of science geek thrown in, but entertaining none the less. Josh Hutcherson looks even more comfortable in front of the camera, than he did for "Bridge to Terabithia". Anita Briem I had only seen before in a Doctor Who episode, and was happy to see her do so much more. Overall, I'd say "Journey To The Center Of The Earth 3D" was a fun romp, entertaining to see at least once, thought I suspect I won't see it again, there is a crowded cinema this summer, and a few more movie I'd like to see.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Orphan Works Delay

Well, the legislation will not make it to the floor this week. More time to e-mail your elected officials[As I have been, and will continue to do]. Anyone who intends to have a copyright on any image they create, be it photo, drawing, painting, collage, digital manipulation, etc... You need to let your elected officials know how you feel! Be proactive!

Monday, July 14, 2008

Orphan Works Legislation

I am posting here information on the "Orphan Works" legislation ,which, if passed will radically alter how you copyright your own work, putting the burden of proof on you, rather than those who would use your work to their own ends. If this legislation should pass, I will pull all of my images from the web, recommending that anyone I know do the same, as this is the easiest way for others to use images that are not theirs. Please read the following information, so that you may better understand what is going to happen if this legislation passes.

Thank you,


We've had word that the House Judiciary Committee may mark-up the Orphan Works Bill this week. This is the session where Committee Members will propose, accept and reject amendments to H.R. 5889. After markup, the bill could be reported out of the House Committee and go to the floor for a vote.We've submitted several critical amendments for consideration: These would limit the scope of the bill to affect only true orphaned work. Unless such amendments are adopted, we believe the bill should not be reported out until its impact on small businesses can be determined. Here's our summary of the issues at stake in the House version of this bill:

Q What is the Orphan Works Act?
A: A proposed amendment to copyright law that would impose a radically new business model on the licensing of copyrighted work.

Q: How would it do that?
A: It would force all creators to digitize their life's work and hand it over to privately-owned commercial databases or see it exposed to widespread infringement by anyone, for any purpose, however commercial or distasteful.

Q: How would it hurt me if I didn't register my work?
A: The bill would let infringers rely on for-profit registries to search for your work. If your work is not in the databases, it's a potential "orphan."

Q: What about my unpublished work?
A: The bill would apply to any work, from professional paintings to family snapshots, home videos, etc., including published and unpublished work and any work ever placed on the internet.

Q: How would these databases work?
A: No one has yet unveiled a business plan, but we suspect they'd operate like stock houses, promoting themselves as one-stop shopping centers for licensing art. If you've registered your work with them, they'll probably charge you maintenance fees and commissions for clearing your work. If you're a publisher or art director, they'll probably charge you search fees. If you're an infringer, they'll probably charge you a search fee and issue orphan certificates for any unregistered work you'd like to infringe. We assume different registries may have different terms, and any start-up terms will of course be subject to change.

Q: How will the bill affect the market for commissioned work?
A: It will be a gold mine for opportunists, favoring giant image banks over working artists. Some companies will probably sell access to orphans as royalty-free work -- or they'll harvest orphans and bundle them for sale as clip art. Other companies can harvest orphans, alter them slightly to make "derivative works" and register the derivatives as their own copyrighted product. Freelancers would then be forced to compete against their own lost art - and that of their colleagues - for the new commissions they need to make a living.

Q: But the bill's sponsors say the bill is just a small adjustment to copyright law.
A: No, it's actually a reversal of copyright law. It presumes that the public is entitled to use your work as a primary right and that it's your legal obligation to make your work available.

Q: But isn't the House bill an improvement over the Senate version?
A: Only for those who intend to operate commercial databases. These registries will exist to make money. To make money, they'll have to do a lively business in clearing work for infringements. That means making their databases infringer-friendly.

Q: But isn't the House bill better because it requires an infringer to file a Notice of Use, documenting their intent to infringe?
A: The House bill creates a very low threshold for infringers to meet. They'd only have to file a text description (not the image itself) of the work they want to infringe, plus information about their search and any ownership information they've found.

Q: But won't that let artists consult the archive to see if their work has been infringed?
A: No, as currently written, the Notice of Use is a dark archive, which means you won't have access to it. If someone infringes your work and has filed a Notice of Use, you wouldn't know about it.

Q: Then how would I know if my work is in the Dark Archive?
A: You wouldn't, unless a.) you discover you've been infringed; b.) you sue the infringer in federal court; c.) the infringer asserts an Orphan Works defense. Then you can file a request to see if the infringer has filed a Notice of Use to infringe your work.

Q: Then what good does it do me for the infringer to file a Notice of Use?
A: It's of no probative value to you at all unless you go to court. And if you do, you'd better be sure of winning because otherwise, without the possibility of statutory damages and attorneys' fees, it will be too expensive for you to sue. If the Notice of Use helps anyone, it actually helps the infringer: it lets him prove in court that he followed the prescribed protocol to "legally" infringe your work.

Q: Then shouldn't we ask Congress to change the Dark Archive to an open one?
A: This would still place an impossible burden on you. Can you imagine routinely slogging through a "lost and found" containing millions of text descriptions of works to see if something sounds like one of the hundreds or thousands of illustrations you may have done?

Q: So should the infringement archive be changed to display images rather than text descriptions?
A: If so, you'd have a come-and-get-it archive for new infringers to exploit works that have already been identified as orphans by previous infringers.

Q: The bill's sponsors say the House version includes specific instructions on the requirements for diligent searches.
A: No, read the bill. It's full of ambiguous terms like "reasonable" and "diligent" that can only be decided by courts on a case-by-case basis. That could take a decade of expensive lawsuits and appeals. How many millions of copyrights will be orphaned before we learn how the courts ultimately define these vague terms?

Q: Then what can we do to improve this bill?
A: We don't believe the bill can be patched up to mitigate its harm to creators. The Orphan Works matter should be solved with carefully defined expansions of fair use to permit reproduction by libraries and archives, or for family photo restoration and duplication. Narrow exceptions like these would also meet the needs of other orphan works usage without violating artists' rights as defined by the 1976 Copyright Act, The Berne Convention and Article 13 of the TRIPs Agreement. These copyright-related international trade treaties are not just a matter of law. They codify longstanding business practices that have passed the test of time.

Q: What can we do now to oppose this legislation?
A: If you're opposed to the House bill in its current form, contact members of the full House Judiciary Committee. Ask them to adopt our amendments limiting the scope of the bill to affect only true orphaned work. Tomorrow, we'll email you a short basic letter which you may use as a template.--Brad Holland and Cynthia Turner, for the Board of the Illustrators' PartnershipOver 60 organizations are united in opposing this bill in its current form. Illustrators, photographers, fine artists, songwriters, musicians, and countless licensing firms all believe this bill will harm their small businesses.Don't Let Congress Orphan Your WorkTo use the Orphan Works Opposition Website just go to this link: in your zip code and follow the instructions. Your letters will be addressed and sent automatically. It takes less than 2 minutes to fight for your copyright.If you received our mail as a forwarded message, and wish to be added to our mailing list, email us at: Place "Add Name" in the subject line, and provide your name and the email address you want used in the message area.

Please post or forward this message in its entirety to any interested party.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Gas well

I've parked my truck by one of the gas wells, to give a sense of scale. There is a pumping/compression building off to the right, and I'm standing on the side of the storage tank. All on April's family's property, there are five wells total.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

The Mackinac Bridge

Well, I've been across the bridge. The height above the water is quite fun, but then, it wasn't that windy today. It was certaintly a different view from the Isalnd two years ago.

Day trip to the U P

We're taking a trip across the Mackinac Bridge, to see Mary & Gavin's property in the U P. I'll post a picture of that when I get a chance.

Tent City

As you can see, we have numerous tents for everyone. The temperatures have been comfortable, but the bugs are more than plentiful, mosquitoes being the greatest in number. Otherwise, all is well.

More to follow...

Monday, July 7, 2008

Safe arrival.

We have arrived safe and sound, camp is set up and the fire pit dug. The rest of the week is up to us.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008


Well, the movie had some good plot twists. It basically comes down to this, Will Smith builds an interesting character. I'd like to see it again, though I suspect Wall e will come first. Hancock is a good action movie, and worth the view.

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Art for sale!

Here's an idea. What if I sold art via the internet...

I am in the process of redesigning my website [] so that I can post my art for sale, as well as being able to add my new designs more easily as I create them. My questions to you are...

1. What size[s] would you like?

2. How quickly would you like it?

3. What would be an acceptable price range?

I think these are the important questions , of course, you can let me know if you have others.

Here's a new image for you to enjoy.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Walt - His was a time too short

Walt was diagnosed with multiple slipped discs Tuesday, and given a low probability of success for surgery, as well as a low comfort of life after. Regretfully he was put down today. He will be missed. He was very devoted to his primary care human, Mom. A grateful companion for her, he barked at strangers, and rolled over at any chance for a good belly rub.

Rest in Peace Walt.

Posted by Picasa

Monday, June 2, 2008

It Came From The Forest!

Well, a couple of us stopped by the Arboretum last week, inspiration came during one of the encounters with the "Bug Art" now on display [Click the Title of this post]. I took me a few days, but I finally have a working image I'm proud of. Enjoy.

Friday, May 30, 2008

Tiki Bar TV

Well, Tiki Bar TV has a new home. Do check it out if you have the chance, I am quite the fan, and you will be too, all you have to do is watch, and enjoy a healthy dose of science with your drink!

I've added a new link on the right [the top one], so head on over.

The new format is quite nice, easy to use, and you get to add your own pictures!

Here I go....

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Illinois Railway Museum

Today was spent looking at trains. I really had to have my arm twisted to get me to go too.

I took a bunch of Pictures, and even managed to get some of Herb's dognuts before leaving Elgin. My sister, Lorinda, also got many pictures, so click to enjoy those.

I will need to get myself back out there when the barns are open as well. There are just so many fun things to see if you really like trains.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

All Aboard Diner

Lunch today was delivered to our seat by train, I'd say Henry was quite enthralled. This wasn't the Choo Choo Cafe, but the All Aboard Diner in Downers Grove, on 75th Street. After that, we headed out to the Morton Arboretum, to see the Bug exhibit! Follow this link for the pictures.

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Thursday, May 1, 2008

1st Anniversary, and we Starved

Well, our first year of marrige has ambled along. A lot has changed, we've grown as people. Made changes in our lives to better our future. Discovered more that we love about each other. Found solutions to problems, while working on new problems. Our second year is only going to be better!

To see what we did for our first anniverary, click the title of this post. Honestly, the title is a pun, we didn't REALLY starve!

Thanks to my family for making April and her family feel so welcomed, and to April's family, thanks for letting me join your ranks, I enjoy all of your company.

Monday, April 28, 2008

Condorman VS. Hancock

Okay, so I've seen the trailer for "Hancock", starring Will Smith. I am also a fan of "Condorman", the not-so-box-office-worthy comicbook hero movie from the early eighties. And seeing the poster for "Hancock" brought one image from "Condorman" to mind. To which I present those images to you, each is copyright the respective studio, used without permission, as a learning tool. At what point does one image infringe on another in Hollywood?

Because to me, they look a lot alike. Wouldn't you agree?

Monday, April 21, 2008


Well, April's dad was in this weekend. A fun time was had by all. He had intended to be here last weekend, but weather in Colorado, the lots of snow kind, had other plans. Even with a week later arrival that everyone hadn't really planned on, getting to see him and go out and do things still happened.
Sunday was spent out at the Morton Arboretum, many thanks to Dennis for signing April and I up for a year, we will put it to good use! Those that made it to the appartment were cozy and well fed, even if we chose to walk to dinner at the Sandpiper. So thanks to everyone who came, and travel safe Dennis.

On another note, there have now been 23 quakes downstate since Friday morning with a 4.0 in the wee hours of this morning.

Friday, April 18, 2008


Here's something out of the ordinary, there have been 7 earthquakes down in southern Illinois right aling the border with Indiana[Click the title of this post to go to the U.S. Geological Service, directly to the info on today's quakes]. Aparently my wife was awakened by the largest of them, a 5.2, early this morning, and there has been a greater than 4 in the last hour. Fun right?

I'll see how this progresses, and post more later.

*Update* [April 19,2008] There were a total of 9 quakes during Friday, and none since 10:05 pm Friday.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Now departing, the copyright to your own work!

Hi, Congress may be taking away the right you have to any image, photo or any other design you have ever created or may create in the future. Of course you can keep that copyright, but it will cost you to register it, at each of the agencies that you will need to register at.

Sound tedious and expensive, it will be.

I don't create gobs of art anymore, but I do like the right to my work. If you'd like to use it, I can sell it to you, or even license it to you. At least if I create it, it's mine. That will change if pending legislation goes forward.

Please read an excellent article on this by clicking the link in the title of this post, what the copyright office has to say here, and then follow this one to track down your legislator to let them know what you think, after all, you vote!


Thursday, April 10, 2008


For anyone interested, saw this along Cermak yesterday. It's been around for years, and in need of restoration. I'll need to swing by and get some good pictures of it soon.

*Update* [13 April, 2008] It's now for sale on eBay. Check out the Tribune article by clicking 'update'.

Friday, April 4, 2008


Alright, 12 days of render, and this is the result. Keep in mind the resolution is a bit larger, I shrank it for the web. Please feel free to comment...

Another Duckie

Just posting yet another duck image I'll have that Fractal up later today.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008


I am excited that a fractal I started rendering 10 days ago will be finished in the next 48 hours, maybe less. I will put a low res version up once it's done. Fractals are fun!

Duckie in the sun

For anyone who knows, Devil Duckies (made by accoutraments), are a fun thing to have around. I mean, who would suspect a duck of being devilish? On the bright side, it's time for a hot bath...

Monday, March 31, 2008

Waiting in the rain

I sit, waiting in the rain. I contemplate what is to come. A visit to a musuem. A future that I look forward to. My wife and I getting a bit of visual stimulation. Motivation would be a welcome side note. An understanding of how I might encounter others who delight in what I call art. Who would even make my images of pop styles and fractilian math a profitable endeavour. Spring is here, I look to it as a way to emerge from behind my stubborn ways, and share what I hold close.

Okay, my deep thoughts aside, it's almost time to pick up April, and head to the Art Institute.


Sunday, March 30, 2008

Pictures are making their way in...

Well, My sister has posted her pictures from my party, and there is a surprised look on my face.

Also, rather last minute, April and I will be seeing the Edward Hopper exhibit at the Art Institute Monday. Not that anyone will be able to join us, I will share my impressions later...

Thanks to my sister for the pictures... Anyone else care to share?

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Traveling by METRA

After many weeks of not going to the city, here I go. April is already downtown and I get to meet her. We've got an appointment about some legal matters.

I do get to have some fun taking pictures though. I do like to take pictures...

Monday, March 24, 2008

Sunset on my break

I got to watch a great sunset on my break today. It's nice to have the sun out during my break too.

On another note, I'm planning a visit to the Art Institute soon to catch the Ed Hopper exhibit, if you'd like to be in on it, let me know soon.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Wiener Mobile

I had to share with everyone that I saw this. A fine piece of Americana.