***UPDATE*** The Senate Version Has Passed.... Unless you call your elected officials tonight, it will be expensive to get your work back tomorrow!
ORPHAN WORKS BILL HOTLINEDAgain.THIS MEANS IT COULD PASS THE SENATE THIS AFTERNOONPLEASE CALL YOUR SENATORS IMMEDIATELYASK THEM TO VOTE NO ON THIS BILL:S2913 THE SHAWN BENTLEY ORPHAN WORKS ACT OF 2008ASK THEM TO PUT A "HOLD" ON THE BILL:TELL THEM YOU OPPOSE THIS CONTROVERSIAL BILLASK THEM NOT TO PASS IT WITHOUT A FULL AND OPEN HEARINGWARN THEM THAT IT WILL DO GREAT HARM TO SMALL BUSINESSESTo find your Senators' phone numbers go to the Illustrators' Partnership Orphan Works site:http://rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001tp3hAUJ-ARbTL_Q4FaSRsPsHX3w1zdgV9gsZi75d_dLck3EfUIyEubV-LMhNUwg-zVDhTQ829iPnNqEQnzFGpyhM-fX541-_yLcf4cwgWET62MhUmUVkY9PdJ7U-OLIS8q7CmG6LkmPiEZNpLc4Be3ACSuOlF20J-XMDKOYz6SzrAIJ2RMCzZfjbUo7r1YfZjZGa56D5afw=At the top of the home page, click on "Elected Officials"You'll find a US map:Click on your state,Then "Senators,"Then click on each Senator's name,Then click "Contact."This will give you their phone and fax numbers.Please phone and fax them both immediately.-Brad Holland and Cynthia Turner, for the Board of the Illustrators' Partnership
Over 70 organizations are united in opposing this bill in its current form. Illustrators, photographers, fine artists, songwriters, musicians, and countless licensing firms all believe this bill will harm their small businesses.The Capwiz site is open to professional creators and any member of the image-making public. Sample letters have been provided. International artists will find a special link, with a sample letter and instructions as to whom to write.If you received our mail as a forwarded message, and wish to be added to our mailing list, email us at:mailto:illustratorspartnership@cnymail.com Place "Add Name" in the subject line, and provide your name and the email address you want used in the message area. Please post or forward this message in its entirety to any interested party.
1 comment:
S. 2913 has passed the Senate. See orphanworks.net.
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