Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Writing Today!

I wandered about today, looking for some new shoes to get me through the winter at work. I haven't found what I'm looking for yet.

I have now parked myself at the Arboretum to write for the day, and the next, with any luck, the day after that too. I will need to work on the house and fix our computers[I have new hard drives arriving Wednesday, April's died completely], and to do so also means not writing as much.

I am having fun writing so far, it's not a burden, rather freeing, I am also only 3 days in. I might feel some guilt over not doing some things I could be doing, like today, working on the house. April seems to understand that I really want to do this, it helps a lot. It isn't always that I need motivation or time, just a sense that I have everything else taken care of that I need to do. Which lately has been many things at once.

So I have taken a slight pause to post this, and as I finish this thought, back to writing I go!



Anonymous said...

Good luck with writing! Writing is something I
in school, but now love! The thought of writing a BOOK is too big...just have to start, one character/event and let it grow. I would love to read it! Val

Buckaroo Ballinger said...

Well, it's been fun trying to hunker down and do this much writing, I'm up to 12,275 word so far, and taking a small break at the moment. I intend to cross 13,000 before I go to bed.

When the novel is more ready, I could use another proof reader if you would be up to it.

If you are up to it,NaNoWriMo.org is a lot of fun and a great help. My writing at the moment is spurred by the possibility of getting 50,000 words in 30 days [About 1670 words a day]. So far so good.