I have now parked myself at the Arboretum to write for the day, and the next, with any luck, the day after that too. I will need to work on the house and fix our computers[I have new hard drives arriving Wednesday, April's died completely], and to do so also means not writing as much.
I am having fun writing so far, it's not a burden, rather freeing, I am also only 3 days in. I might feel some guilt over not doing some things I could be doing, like today, working on the house. April seems to understand that I really want to do this, it helps a lot. It isn't always that I need motivation or time, just a sense that I have everything else taken care of that I need to do. Which lately has been many things at once.
So I have taken a slight pause to post this, and as I finish this thought, back to writing I go!
Good luck with writing! Writing is something I
in school, but now love! The thought of writing a BOOK is too big...just have to start, one character/event and let it grow. I would love to read it! Val
Well, it's been fun trying to hunker down and do this much writing, I'm up to 12,275 word so far, and taking a small break at the moment. I intend to cross 13,000 before I go to bed.
When the novel is more ready, I could use another proof reader if you would be up to it.
If you are up to it,NaNoWriMo.org is a lot of fun and a great help. My writing at the moment is spurred by the possibility of getting 50,000 words in 30 days [About 1670 words a day]. So far so good.
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